The Mirror - 1924


The Mirror - 1924





North Shore Country Day School


North Shore Country Day School Archives




North Shore Country Day School Senior Class








The Mirror, 1924

[Inside front cover]
Perry Dunlap Smith
Nina Fitch Babcock
Louisa May Greeley
Paul Hirsh
Don. P. Smith
Kenneth T. Price

Gift of Tom Boal Nov. 1940


1923 - 24
To Miss Hazel M. Cornell
with sincerest appreciation for
her tireless efforts in the
interests of the School, we,
the Class of Nineteen Twenty-Four
affectionately dedicate this book.

FOREWORD The Editors herewith present to the School the fourth volume of the Mirror. Its purpose is to record the many events that have entered into our school life in the past year, to present an account of the facts pertaining to the organizations of this school, and in future years to serve as a reminder of the happy days spent here. Only in so far as it accomplishes these things will it be truly worth while.

Our School
We are not able to think of our School as a place of confinement and fruitless labor, because here we find such opportunities offered us for growth and development, and such possibilities for advancement in every line. We find here an encouragement and inspiration on the part of our Headmaster and Faculty that give a certain enjoyment to putting all that we have into our work, if for no other reason than to please them. Yet we find in our SchooL interests so broad that every one may have something in which he finds enjoyment and for which he has ambition ; for athletics and dramatics receive as much sincere encouragement as academic work. Here we learn to live in closer fellowship with one another in both work and play, and here we find the joy of receiving inspiration for our later lives, all we have given in work for our School.

The Mirror Board for 1923
Editorial Staff
Editor-in-Chief - - - - - - Louise Sherman
Assistant Editor - - - - - Crilly Butler
Organizations - - - - - - - Percy Davis
Athletics - - - - - - - - - English Walling
Society - - - - - - - - - - Harriet Leonard
Alumni - - - - - - - - - - Mary Miller
Quicksilver - - - - - - - - Elinor Tomlinson
Class Sections: Mary Ott, Lynn Williams, Frank Blatchford,
Helen Bell, Grant Pick, Herbert Woodward

Art Staff
Art Editor - - - - - - - - Eleanor McEwen
Assistants: Isabelle Fry, Barbara Groves, Faustena Roberts,
Louise Badgerow, Gertrude Edwards, Mary Isom

Business Staff
Business Manager - - - - - - Marcell Vennema
Assistant Business Manager - Frank Fowle
Advertising Managers - - John McEwen, Everett Millard Class Assistants: Elinor Tomlinson, Mary Miller, Edward Kohlsaat, William Litell, Robert Hill, John Elting

The Mirror Board wish to thank the rest of the School for their hearty cooperation in helping to make up the 1924 Year Book, and desire to express their gratitude particular to Miss Taylor, Mr.E.H.Smith, Mrs.Brcin, and Mary Carmen.

Board of Directors
Ayres Boal, President
Robert Stevenson, Vice-President
H. Spaulding Coffin, Treasurer
Cornelius M . Lynde, Secretary
Frederick H. Scott
Willoughby Walling
Robert Ripley
Charles T. Mordock
Calvin Fentress

Faculty and Business Staff
Perry Dunlap Smith, Headmaster
Hazel M . Cornell, Head of the Girls' Department
Howard E.Jones, Head of the Boys'Department
Mary E. Musson, Business Manager
Julia Harvey, Secretary
C. J. Anderson
Nina F. Babcock
K. V. Bollinger
Blanche Brcin
Julia Childs
Margaret Cornell
Louisa May Greeley
Lillian Griffin
Glenna Griffith
Jeannette Griffith
Marguerite Grunewald
Lizah R. Hale
Carmelita Hinton
A. M. Hosier
Grace A. Kee
Florence Newcomb
Kenneth Price
Joseph B. Riddle
Frances B. Sands
Donald P. Smith
Everett H. Smith
Marian Stoughton
Millicent Taylor
Marion Tilt
Cicely Haas
Elizabeth Hall

Louise Sherman (Lou)
Dramatic Club, Play '22; Secretary-Treasurer '24; Lost and Found Committee '23 ; Executive Committee '23 ; Judiciary '23, '24; Reporter "Purple and White" '22, '23 ; Exchange Editor '24 Toy Shop Department Head '23,'24 Class Art Editor Mirror Board '23 Editor in Chief '24.
"How sad and had and mad it was, But then how it was sweet."

English Walling (Soup) '23,'24 Business Manager ''Purple and White" '23; Football '23, '24; Basketball '23, '24; Executive Committee '23, 24, Secretary-Treasurer '23, first term; Athletic Editor Mirror Board '24; Dramatic Club, Play '24; President Senior Class. "He wears the rose of youth upon him."

Eleanor McEwen (Elly) '20, '21, '24
Hockey, '20,'21,'24;Baseball '20,'21; Basketball '24, Class Captain; Treasurer Athletic Association '21; Assistant Editor "Purple and White" '20; Magazine Editor '21;Executive Committee '20, '24; Art Editor Mirror Board '24; Lost and Found Committee '24; Business Manager Toy Shop '24; Business Manager "Pirates of Penzance' '24.
"A true friend is forever a friend."

Mary Ott (Iddy)
Hockey '21, '22, '23, '24, Manager '23; Baseball '21 ; Basketball '22, '24; Track '21;Executive Committee '23,'24, Secretary-Treasurer '24; Dramatic Club, Play '21, '22, '24, Dramatic Club Vice- President '23; Reporter "Purple and
White" '21, '22, Assistant Editor '23; Class Editor Mirror Board '24;Class Secretary '21; Toy Shop Department Head '24.
"The readiness of doing doth express No other but the doer's willingness."

Holden Anderson (Holy or Swede)
Football '21, '22, '23, '24, Captain '24; Basketball '21, '22, '23, '24, Captain '22; Executive Committee '22,'23, '24: Dramatic Club, Play '22; Baseball '21 ; Field Day, Captain, Purples '21 ; Whites '22; President Freshman Boys '21.
"Wert thou more fickle than the restless sea
Still I should love thee, knowing thee for such."

Isabelle Fry (Issy) 2 terms of '24
Senior Art Editor Mirror Board '24;
"Pirates of Penzance" '24.
"She's aye so neat and trim, all graces do around her hover."

Marcell Vennema (Marce)
Hockey '22, '23; Basketball '23; Toy Shop Department Head '22, '23 ; Executive Committee '22; Reporter "Purple and White" '21, '22; Head of Lower School Column '23; Magazine Editor 24 ; Assistant Business Manager Mirror Board '23; Business Manager '24; Dramatic Club; "Pirates of Penzance" '24.
" 'I'll never love any but you,' the morn- ing song of the lark.
'I'll never love any but you,' the nightingale's hymn in the dark."

Alfred Childs (Al) '24
Football '24; Dramatic Club, Play '24;
"Pirttes of Penzance,"
"The enthusiastic and pleasing illusions of youth."

Harriet Leonard (Benny) '23, '24
Hockey '23, '24; Class Captain, Business Manager; Basketball '23, '24, Captain ; Assistant Editor Mirror Board '23, Social Editor '24; Track '23; "Pirates of Penzance" '24.
"She doeth little kindnesses
Which most leave undone or despise.

Percy Davis (Sheik)
Football '22, '23, '24; Executive Committee '24; Dramatic Club, Play '22, Committee '22, '24; Organizations Editor Mirror Board '24; Editor in Chief "Purple and White."
"The village all declared how much he

Elinor Tomlinson (Tommy) '22, '23, ",
French Club 22, President; Judiciary, Vice-Justice '23, Chief Justice '24; Chairman of Seal Committee '24; Class Editor Mirror Board '23, Class Business Manager '24, Quicksilver Editor '24; Dramatic Club, Play '24; "Pirates of Penzance" '24.
"Few things are impossible to diligence and skill."

Larry Burr (Larry)
Football '23, '24; Miscellaneous Editor "Purple and White' '22, '23; Miscellaneous Editor Mirror Board '23; Dramatic Club, Business Manager '22; Lost and Found Committee '22,'23; Field Captain Whites '23 ; "Pirates of Penzance" '24.
"A cheerful cherub was he."

Senior Motto
Docti Meliora Sequamur
There is one thing that we are leaving to the Juniors that we did not put in our Class Will, and that is our weekly School Standards Class with Mr. Smith. Through this class we have come to know our School and our Headmaster better than ever before, and we want him to know that we appreciate his giving up his time for us. And so, we leave this weekly hour to the coming Seniors, knowing they will look forward to it, and be benefited by it as we have been.

Class Will
We, the illustrious and notorious Class of 1924, about to leave this institution of learning, and being of comparatively sane and sound mind, do hereby make our
last will and testament before leaving for the land beyond:
To the Juniors we bequeath our curtain rods on the doors, our taste in art, our drag, and all our numerous privileges.
To the Sophomores our sense of humor
To the Freshmen our experience
To Fredericka the complete possession of the Senior Girls' Room
And the following personal bequests:
Harriet, her permanent to Jane Sutherland
Marcell, her business sense to Lynn
Mary, her size to Ann Ashcraft
Percy, his Latin ability to the Sophomores
Larry, his statistical ability to Midge
Alfred, his frolicsome nature to Andrew McNally
Holy, his killing glances to Panny
English, his stature to Billy McEwen
Lou, her ability to keep a secret to Frederika
Elly, her laugh to Billy Hayden
Elinor, her prestige to Babe Ripley
Issy, her artistic ability to the Freshman boys
In witness whereof we, the undersigned, have here unto set our hands in the
presence of witnesses duly called by us for the purpose of witnessing this our last will and testament.

Signed: English Walling, Louise D. Sherman, Alfred F. Childs, Mary R. Ott, Holden G. Anderson, Harriet Leonard, Marcell D. Vennema, Elinore Tomlinson, Larry Burr, Eleanor McEwan, Isabell Fry, Percy B. Davis Jr.

Who's Who in New York
Ladies and gentlemen! In my recent trip to New York I was much interested,
amused, and instructed by those eminent personages who came to my attention. Need I say that they were my revered companions, of the 1924 Class at N. S. C. D. S. ? How long ago it seems, looking back there from this good old year of 1940! But enough of the sentimental. Let me tell you of the eminent personages of whom I have just been speaking.
On arriving in New York, I was escorted direct to the City Hall, where with great pomp and ceremony I was presented with a large key to the city by Mayor Walling. Need I say that the volubility of this illustrious person was all sufficient to the occasion, and that golden words, tripped lightly from his tongue. The formalities over with, we retired from the gaze of the admiring thousands gathered to watch the ceremony, and Mayor Walling graciously indulged with me in a little chat on old times. I found the great man essentially the same as in bygone days, and was touched to think that he remembered me. As it grew towards evening, I retired to my hotel and listened a bit on the radio. After tuning awhile, I came across a horrible screeching, a sort of bellowing noise. Here is what greeted my ears: "This is Station WEAF. This is Alf Childs announcing—Need I say that I am the world's greatest announcer? I just received a telegram asking me to sing. I shall now comply with that inspiring little number entitled, 'The Rose Buds Fill Me Through and Through.'
A thought came to me. I acted on it. I went to the Follies. On looking at the program the following item met my eye: "Miss M . Ott, successor to Gilda Grey in popular dances." How divinely she danced! What doesn't one see at New York! After the performance, I determined to go to a cabaret. I was seated at a table. The band began to play. At first I thought it was for me, but no. I looked towards the door. There was entering an opulent personage with a red nose, a diamond stick-pin, and a large stogie. "The Proprietor," whispered someone. Imagine my delight on recognizing our old friend, Holden Anderson, or "Swede" for short! He surveyed the scene with a majestic air, motioned to the band to stop playing, saw me, and proceeded towards me. It was a dramatic moment. Then this august character actually unbent, and we talked familiarly for a few minutes, while the gaping public looked on. I returned to my hotel feeling well satisfied with the day.
The following morning, I awoke to find the sun shining brightly through my window. I made a voyage to a New York bank to transact a little business. Whilst there, who should breeze in but the president of the bank! The good man shook me by the hand, then a slow smile overspread his face. He cried, "Old fellow, can it be you?" I looked hard at him, a little corpulent to be sure, but still Percy B. Davis, Jr. As we talked a prosperous looking gentleman entered and saluted the President. The President whispered to me to be respectful, for he was another J. P. Morgan in the form of a stock broker. He wore glasses, he rattled off his words a mile a minute. You are right, it was our old friend, Larry Burr! Weighty engagements now engrossed my friends. I went to the circus. Here I was particularly amused by
a young lady doing difficult trapeze stunts with great facility. At last she finished, came down from the heights and bowed condescendingly to the audience. It was Marcell Vennema! My goodness!
Circus over, I strolled toward the renowned Greenwich Village. On the way I was confronted by a placard on a store, setting forth in brazen letters the words, "I. Fry." Heavens, cried I, someone is frying! and I rushed in to save the poor unfortunate, only to be confronted by the smiling face of Miss Isabel. "What do

you wish today, sir?" she said demurely. " We have some nice lobsters." Yes, she's keeping a fish shop. I didn't wish anything and went on my way. On entering Greenwich Village, I noticed an artistic young lady clad in a red and orange checkered smock, hustling down the street. It was the famous artist, Elinor Tomlinson. I attempted to speak to her, but she had no time, evidently, for she kept on going.
Rather taken aback by the color of Miss Tomlinson's smock, I dropped into a book store to catch my breath. Here, whom should I see but the eminent authoress, Miss Louise Sherman, whose latest novel, "Divorce," so startled the world. We got to talking on socialism, thus bringing up the subject of the book she is now writing. It seems that she has come in contact with a hopeless bun fiend, Harriet Leonard. This frightful habit, originated at North Shore, where Harriet ate buns every recess. The title of Miss Sherman's next book is to be "The Dangers of Bun Eating and Why."
While here, who should enter but the renowned charity worker, Miss Eleanor McEwen. She deigned to speak with me, and told me of the wonderful work she is doing. We congratulate Miss McEwen on her admirable work among the starving society children and hope she will keep it up.
I decided I had now seen enough and came home. My only comment on the trip is, "What is New York coming to"

Senior Sayings
Holy: "Wait a minute, let me think." "Now I em nut. I'm bashful!" English: "Whoopie! I-I-I . . ."
Percy: "You don't say! It's all right but it doesn't mean anything."
Lou: "Well, I dunno,but."
Elly: "I'd just adore to."
Issy: "Ohoo, I can't either."
Marce: "Cut it out, I think you're perfectly nasty."
Benny: "Oh Boy!"
Larry: "She'll slap my face."
Mary: "My dear!"
Elinor: "Wait a minute!"
Alfred: "No telling'!"

Senior Music Rack
Alfred: "You've Gotta See Mama" Oh for a girl with:— English: "Innocent Eyes"
Holy: "Linger Awhile"
Lou: "Lou'ville Lou"
Marce: "The Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me " Benny: "That Sweet Somebody of Mine"
Larry: "Steppin' Out"
Percy: "The Sheik"
Elly: "That Old Gang of Mine"
Mary: "Remembering"
Issy: "Back in Hackinsack, New Jersey"' Elinor: "Drifting Back to Dreamland"
Benny's hair Mary's complenion
Marcie's eyes Elly's nose
Issy's figure And a boy with:—
Holy s hair
Percy's brains
Alfred's eyes
English's stature Larry's sense of humor

(illustration of a castle in the clouds and an airplane)

Junior Class of '25
(Reading from left to right)
Back Row: Ayres Boal, Crilly Butler, Elbridge Anderson, Stewart Boal, John McEwen, Frank Fowle, Lynn Williams, Fuller Dean.
Second Row: Mary Carmen, Frederika Walling, Ruth Copeland, Helen Shimmin, Margot Atkin.
First Row: Mary Miller, Barbara Groves, Elizabeth Lamson, Marjorie Janney.

President --------- Fuller Dean
Vice-President - - - - - - - - Helen Shimmin
Secretary-Treasurer - - - Elbridge Anderson

The Famous Class of '25
This tale of revelation is not going to commence, " O Fellow Citizens," not at
all; that phrase is by this time out of humor as well as fashion. The author of this stirring essay is going to start right in without any introduction whatever to prove that the Junior Class of '25 is without doubt the most noble, exalted, magnanimous, as well as superior to any Junior Class heretofore.
Now there is no doubt that each of the Juniors is noted for something akin to fame and glory. In the first place we have Fuller Dean, our most august president, lately of that now extinct body the Judiciary. "He doesn't say much but when you get him alone you'd be surprised." Next, who conducts our Town Meetings? None other than Lynn Williams in the distinguished Class of '25. Perhaps you now ask why Margot Atkins occupies such a big space in the limelight? Well, this young lady has the exacting position on the Hockey Team of keeping the little ball from rolling

between the goal posts! All the art talent in school (and there's really quite a bit) centers in the Junior Class under the names of Mary Carmen and Barb Groves. Miss Groves is also an unusual athlete. 'Nuff sed. Need I mention that adorable pair, the Boal Brothers, who are the main supports of our Football Team? Yes, there is no need. We have among us Midge Janney, who if asked, perhaps if not asked, will quickly put a nightingale to shame with her quavering voice ; but, gentle reader, heed not the temptation to ask her, for once started she is extremely difficult to stop. Who is that girl with the Buster Brown Bangs? Oh, that is Elizaheth Lamson, our famous athlete, captain of the winning Girls' Hockey Team. No need to mention Helen Shimmin, as the fame of her passionate acting has by this time spread from Atlantic to Pacific, from the palm trees to the pine. In our midst stands the dashing Fowle boy, who not only steals young ladies' hearts without permission, but also has the ability to drop the ball into the basket, to the exasperation of his opponents. Also occupying a place of preeminence is Elbridge Anderson, actor, lover, poet, novelist. A pair rarely found separated is the Walling-Miller combination, who help uphold the scholastic standards as well as athletic in our excellent school. There is also Ruth Copeland, who is an exceptional arguer as well as a baseball player. As to John
McEwen, recently acquired by the Junior Class, he is famed for his Latin ability, having taken already six years of said subject; incidentally he captained the Football Team. Concerning a last one written about, it is customary to say "Last but not least comes, etc.,etc." Thus in like manner, wishing to conform with convention, I mention with unbiased opinion, Crilly Butler, who comes last but not least, and is famed as an actor and hard worker, being a most necessary unit for the welfare of North Shore.

When a Junior Needs a Friend
(With apologies to the Chicago Tribune)
Barb:—In art, when Miss Tilt tells her she has done nothing the whole term. MaryC:—When everyone says,"Let Mary draw us a poster."
Margot:—When Mr. D. P. gives her a mean look.
Mary M.:—When she's told she must move away from Freddie. Freddie:—When she gets blamed for what she didn't do.
Midge:—When she hasn't handed in her English.
Ruth : — When she has done her Latin only "three times."
Shimmy:—When practicing "The Dragon."
Lammy : —When Miss Cornell says, "Why, Elizabeth, you make a mistake?" El:—When getting up a vaudeville.
Fully:—When having to appoint chairmen for dance committees.
Frank:—When Panny whispers the wrong answer to him in Ancient History. Johnny:—When trying to get a professional to draw the school seal. Crilly:—When Mrs. Childs jumps on him.
Panny:—When he ispersuaded todance.
Lynn :—When being Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Stewy:—When it's his turn to do the home work for the other two German students.

Association of Ideas
Elbridge Anderson:—Head and feet, moonlight, slippery, floors, stages. Stewart Boal:—Propaganda, road-drag, plowshare, French.
Ayres Boal:—Carrots, Rocky Mountains, the "great open spaces," German. Crilly Butler:—Azure blue, one way street, screens.
Frank Fowle:—Gas balloons, circles, factories.
Fuller Dean :—Direct current, rats, brevity of extremities, basketball. John M c E w e n :—Cicero and I, good guy, tug-boat, gifted gab.
Lynn Williams:—Houdini, rainbow,—er—music? Politics.
Ruth Copeland:—Babbling brooks, marlin spike, essay.
Margot Atkin:—Inner tube, donkey engine, contour.
Mary Miller:—Tongue, Frederika, peroxide.
Frederika Walling:—Corn-flower, Mary, cob-webs.
Helen Shimmin:—Flag-pole,Woolworth Building, electriclights. Marjorie Janney:—Delayed mail, two wheels, the newest book. Barbara Groves:—Thomas Cusack, Raphael, stop-light.
Elizabeth Lamson:—Window panes, moo-cow-moo.

Something Humorous?
It's something humorous I was told to write About the Junior Band
"That ought to be easy," says I,
As I takes my pen in hand.
Fully is our President Sphinx-like, you understand? He runs our orderly meetings With a stern and iron hand.
Crilly sticks up scenery;
Does it artistically too ;
But does his Latin only
When there's nothing else to do.
Of course, we have a fat boy, But they shouldn't call him "Fat;" But that name it seems to have stuck Since the time he was a brat.
As to the author of this jargon
It had better be left unsaid;
For who could be convinced of his merits When after this poem they've read.
Not to forget our class orator,
At talking he's a bear;
But when it comes to running his car, W e fear that Lynn's not there.
El is quite an actor,
A temperamental tragedian, you know; The part he plays to perfection
Is the voice outside the window.
Stewart and Panny are brothers; They never quarrel or fight; This devotion reaches its apex
When they're asleep at night.

(illustration of a couple walking down a path toward a castle in the mountains)

(Class photograph)
President - - - - - - - - Edward Kohlsaat
Vice-President - - - - Marianne Stevenson
Secretary-Treasurer - - - - - Frank Blatchford

Deeds, Not Words

Maroon and White

S is for serious, silly, and sweet,
O is for one-fifteen, the time we eat,
P is for pupils, poetic, police.
H is for hours we study at night,
O is for occurrences, we obstinately omit,
M is for Math, at which hours we set,
O comes once more, this time we obscure it, R is for reputation, reproachful to rue it,
E is forever, effectively, exact,
S for Sophomores, who nothing do lack.

Initials Do Tell
Musical Sunny Sweet Angelic Methodical
Musing Happy Athletic Winsome Humble
Loving Affable Fair-minded Mute Thoughtful Conscientious
Joyous Simple Knot Bold
Eager Clear Wholesome Heavy Lusty Strong
Frivolous Carefree Original Earnest Happy
Jolly Enduring Magnetic Wild Noisy
Friendly Rational Ever Lunaticly Merry
Versatile Hearty Jolly Masterful Dogged
Artistic Lively Efficient Helpful
Elfish Kind Almost One Genius
Dauntless Rash Roguish Easy Companionable Knavish
Ferocious Warlike Bold Most Pugnacious

Styles will begin in Paris and London and other places, but they sometimes have their origin at North Shore too. For instance, take one bright and sunny (or was it rainy?) morning in the new building just outside the Tenth Grade Girls' Room. Sophomore girls, one and all, are gathered about another class member. "Let's go and show Miss Taylor. . . . It looks perfectly darling. . . . I think I will do it, too. . . . Lammy'll do mine at lunch. . . . What did your mother say? . . . Mine will be perfectly furious." . . . At this juncture, screams, laughs, oh's are heard from the Junior girls, who are in the same state of excitement. The Sophomore girls, not wishing to miss anything, rush over to said group of giggling girls. "Oh, Lammy, you have to do mine at lunch. . . . Does your mother know? . . . No, I'll just surprise her. . . . You see, six Sophomores have done it, why can't I? . . . All right, Locker Room at lunch. . . . Me, too. Everyone's doing it. Oh, I'm scared! My parents won't like it. Are they comfortable? . . . How would I look? . . . Horrible, oh, don't do it. . . .
And so on. The boys blankly stare, as about twenty girls emerge from the LockerRoom. Excited screaming, pulling at bashful victims of the fad.

Can you guess what the style is?

(block illustration of Knollslea Hall with all of the first initials and last names of the sophomore class.)
This building's where the sophomores go they work together so yu know, as they did at old North Shore in the year of 24.

Sophomores, Class of 1926
E. Kolsaat, Manager of Girls in Follies
L. Fentress, School for the Deep
K. Booth, Undertaker
M. Philipsborn, World Famous Orator
B. Nichols, Professor of Latin
J. Davis, Horse Doctor
Dr. F. Blatchford, Slaughter House
V. Hodart, Tea Room Specialty Chop Suey
E. Watkins, School of Does and Don'ts
M. Clark, School of the Clergy
J. McLeish, Office of Manager of State Poorhouse
E. Millard, Institution for the Serious Minded
A. McNally, Inventor of Puzzles
P. Hamm, Theater Speculator
M. Alschuler, Manager of Old Ladies Home
A. Grotenhuis, Eye Specialist
H. Stein, Dog Doctor
J. Sutherland, Throat Specialist
B. Hayden, Rooms to Rent for Loafers
B. Knode, Beauty Parlor Specialty Bobbing
E. Hoskins, Pawnbroker
D. Reach, Fortune Telling
M. Stevenson, F. Roberts, Beauty Parlor Specialty Washing


Marianne without her brothers!
Jean with a permanent!
Betty without her naive remarks!
Dimple without a crush!
Frannie an orator!
Faustena getting I in Math!
Jane sharping on high A!
Louise without Elsie!
Dorothy being convinced that 2 times 0=0!
Elsie with bobbed hair!
Ginger making up her Latin!
Marion with long golden curls!
Ted a bachelor!

Johnny without a smile!
Chevy without the latest on radios!
Groty not trying to put it over on his inferiors!
Frank not a Dr. Blatchford the second!
Knox a class gossiper!
Petie falling for a tall brunette!
Mancel reducing!
Heinie Stein losing his temper!
Billy Nichols bored with the Junior and Senior girls!
Edmund not in the printing business!
Marty not trying to enjoy himself!
Andy undignified!
Seeing the top of Bill Hayden's collar!

Pet Expressions
Marian Alschuler - Help!
Louise Fentress - Oh, my dear!
Virginia Hobart - How excruciatingly funny.
Jean Macleish - I had something to tell you, but I won't now.
Jane Sutherland - Well!
Dorothy Reach - How rummy!
Marianne Stevenson - How evil!
Elsie Watkins - I don't think we'd better.
Antoinette Lackner - I've got my 21st crush.
Betty Knode - Oh, smite me!How irregular!
Faustena Roberts - Good joke!
Frances Olson - You Dumbell!

Has Our Class Grown Since Last Year?
It is true that during the past year our class has grown in size, but that is not what we are most interested in.
Have we increased our ability to understand what our school believes in, our ideals and what they mean? I think we have. Are we more self-reliant? By this I mean better able to accomplish things ourselves without being reminded and asked over and over again. When we start to do a piece of work, do we begin with the determination of doing that work to the best of our ability ? Is it easier for us now to stick to a hard task until it is done than it was last year ?
In other words, have we grown in understanding, in determination, and in will power ?
These are a few of the things which a year of school ought to have done for us, and which we hope in the next two years to carry on.

Trying to Live Up to Our Motto
Our motto "Live and Serve" is a particularly good one to live up to at Christmas time. So the Sophomore girls planned to take a poor family for Christmas. We finally decided on one which Mrs. MacLeish had found out about at Arden Shore.
The father was sick and could not work; the mother, an educated woman, was trying to keep the family of six children supplied with clothes and food. They lived in Chicago, and the children ranged from the ages of twelve down to a baby of five months old.
We thought that useful articles, such as clothing, would be appreciated as well
as toys. Therefore we soon gathered from home several heavy shirts for father, a
lot of baby clothes, and many other things for the rest of the children. W e elected
a committee to go to the Toy Shop and select some playthings. This committee
chose a baby doll and cradle, a big walking doll, which Miss Taylor had very cunningly dressed, and another doll and carriage for the girls. A large wooden automobile, a toy dog, and several books were taken for the boys.
On Friday before vacation, the girls brought paper, red ribbon, Christmas seals, and cards. All thefirstperiod we worked busily tying up presents and addressing the cards. When we finished, we were astonished, for our locker was piled high with gay Christmas packages ready to be delivered.
When we came back to school after vacation, we found a letter awaiting us from the mother of our "family" thanking us for our gifts and saying how glad she was that she did not have to disappoint her little ones on Christmas.
After reading this we all felt as if we had really given one family a Merry Christmas, and we felt very happy about it.

Our Wish
As it has been our custom for the past years to leave a wish for the class which is stepping into our places, we, the Class of 1926, wish to the Class of 1927 these things: A better scholastic record than we have shown, a higher standing in athletics, and a better spirit in trying to carry out the ideals for which our school stands.

To the Seniors
A sister class to us you've been,
In everything that word can mean,
We'll ne'er forget
How well you've set
The best example we've e'er seen.
You've "lived and served" right well each day,
And now to you we'd like to say.
In all you've done
High praise you've won;
In class, on field, in work and play.
But soon will come the time to part,
You've won a place in every heart.
We'll miss you so
And hope you know
That from our thoughts you'll ne'er depart.

(illustration of two cars racing with the numbers 1926 and 1927 on a track in front of spectators)

(class photo)
President - - - - - - - - William McEwen
Vice-President- - - - - - - - - Janet Kirk
Secretary- - - - - - - - - Herbert Nunn
Treasurer- - - Sarah Mills

Non quis sed Quid

Green and Gray

What Would:
—Mrs Childs do if Wallace had his Latin?
—Tommy look like if he were as thin as Aldy?
—John Ott do without eyes for an excuse?
—Larney do if he didn't know anything about ships?
—Freddy do if he were bashful ?
—Aldy do if he lost his catalogue?
—Pierre do if he didn't know any long words ?
—Phil do if he never laughed?
—The teachers do if Rocco were ever still in class?
—Billy look like in long pants?
—Cooley do if he couldn't think up a comeback?
—Armstrong do if he lost his comb?
—Herby do if he could never go out west?
—Merrill do if he wrecked his car?
—Littell do if he couldn't keep up with the latest styles?


The Ballad of a Funny Freshman

There was a funny Freshman,
Who, went to Country Day,
She didn't care to study, She'd rather go and play.
She liked all pretty dresses,
Gay shoes and stockings too.
She loved to go to dances And went to quite a few.
She had a hundred crushes,
One for each pressing day;
She very seldom worried, For she was always gay.
But suddenly exam times came
With thrills and heart throbs few,
For sobs and tears soon followed them When she flunked all but two.
That girl became a Senior,
Though how I cannot say,
For all she used to like to do Was go outdoors and play.

Civics Nightmare
It was the night before the Exams, and my mind was mostly a muddle or what the cooks might call "Hungarian Goulash." Everything was so mixed up that I had the honorable Mr. Tufts sitting in a dug-out in the cave days and Miss Taylor writing hieroglyphics on the cave walls. Mr. Riddle was just coming home with a newly invented fish hook, and Mr. Jones was doing the hula-hula around the camp- fire because he had finally worked out his theory that the world was eight-sided.
I was convinced that the something was wrong, but I knew not what. Was the comma in the wrong place?Oh dear, my mind was still wandering. I was think- ing of the English Exam!
Then I looked at my notebook. Algebra, Latin, French, and other papers stared me in the face. Oh—I was certainly suffering. Mr. E. H. Smith was giving practical lessons in bookkeeping, and, lo and behold, Mr. Bolinger was making the first fire out of sofa pillows and tissue paper. Mr. Price was asking very queerly, but suddenly I realized that he was not jumping off the top limb of a tree to kill himself, but was trying to make his arms carry him through the air like a bird or an aeroplane.
How very scientific this type of cave man must have been, I thought. But my expectations of a wonderful new race were limited and cut short when I realized that, like all dreams, this one had an end, and also that predicative nominatives, verbs, and polynomials were as important to the examiners as cave men were to the Real Business of Living.

Future Freshman Occupations
A. Rogers—Owner of an old curiosity shop, dealing especially in guns, swords, spears, etc.
F. Armstrong and P. Bouscaren—Chief detectives of Armstrong and Bouscaren Private Detective Agency.
L. Blatchford—Commander of U. S. S. "Al."
H. Nunn and W . Littell—Active owners of Stupendous Rivoli Ballroom.
W. McEwen—Operator of McEwen Research Laboratories.
B. Cooley—Holder of trans-continental mortocycle speed record.
J. Merrill—President of the United Automobile Sales Corporation.
J. Wallace—Manager of Chicago White Sox.
F. Scott—Head of Scott Dry Goods Department Store.
J. Ott—Factory superintendent of International Radio and Mechanical Corporation.
P. Moore—Owner of land on which many famous Chicago buildings stand.
T. Boal—President of the famous 5 and 10c Stores.
T. Coyne—Chief Art and Comic Editor Chicago Tribune.

Female Freshmen
Sarah Mills - long skirts
Jeanne Street - weekly marcell
Louis Conway - primness
Emily Pope - actress
Winifred Mckeown - curls
Doris Ferry - mamma's angel child
Helen Bell - pet eraser
Betty Durham - painted balls
Eleanor Cushman - braids
Betty Parker - always blushing
Lois Truesdale - daily crush
Louise Badgerow - boys
Eleanor Sherman - "Kitten on the Keys"
Grace Orell - confectionery
Emily Fentress - carefree
Jane Kirk - sweet smile
Frances Alschuler - shingles

Fresh Advice to Juniors on Becoming Seniors
1. Hold on to your dignity. Don't giggle.
2. Don'thavecrushesyourself,but
3. Always smile on your little Freshman crushees. It makes them happy and-
4. Save them at least one of your sandwiches.
5. Get a car. You're sure to be popular then.
6. Learn the Senior smile. You'll need it when you're late to class.
7. Learn some of their marvelous excuses for unprepared assignments.
8. Be original. "Let every man surpass his neighbor."
9. Be thinking all year about the "Mirror."
10. Don't have any particular peculiarity that can be published.

Familiar Quotations from the Class of 1927
Armstrong - "What the heck, guy!"
Blatchford - "That happened once on Al's ship."
Boal - "I'm a witness."
Bouscaren - "Aw, shutup!"
Cooley - "Don't get hard."
Coyne - "I don't care. I'll do it in class."
Littell - "Gosh, that was hard."
McEwen -"May I put that on the board?"
Moore - "Isn't that a coincidence?"
Merrill - "I knew that yesterday."
Nunn - "Yeaa—but it's all wrong."
Ott- "I'm sorry I can't take play today."
Rogers - "Aww, I don't know."
Scott - "If not, why not?"
Wallace- "Oh, I left that at home today."

In the Library
An Old Fashioned Girl - Jeanne Street
Jane Eyre - Louise Conway
Lorna Doone - Betty Durham
Rowena-Ivanhoe - Sarah Mills
Amy-Little Women - Eleanor Cushman
Jane Bennett-Pride and Prejudice - Betty Parker
Puck-Midsummer Night's Dream - Emily Pope
Joan-Black Arrow - Louise Badgerow
Helen-Scottish Chiefs - Helen Bell
Alice in Wonderland - Winifred McKeown
Babbie-Babs - Emily Fentress
Nell-Old Curiosity Shop - Eleanor Sherman
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - Lois Truesdale
Judy-Daddy Long Legs - Frances Alschuler
Anne of Green Gables - Grace Orrell
Sara Crewe - Doris Ferry

Recess in the Ninth Grade Boys' Room
The bell rings for recess, and almost immediately the Ninth Grade Boys' room is filled with a noisy crowd. There is a wild rush for the chairs in the front row. No less than three unfortunate individuals are seen in the floor where they have landed after sitting down where there failed to be a chair. Mr.Smith enters the room holding a tray high over his head. He carefully scrutinizes three small piles of sandwiches that are seen on it and remarks that there are enough for about one apiece. As he walks down the line with the delicious morsels of food, Tom Boal is caught trying to smuggle off two. When there are still four boys to be fed, the sandwiches give out, and angry cries are heard from the disappointed gentlemen. In the back of the room a hungry horde is gathering around those who had brains enough to bring food from home. Suddenly the bell for lining up is heard, and it is not long before the room is deserted, looking as though a small cyclone had struck it.

Fundamental Facts for Flighty Freshmen
Be glad you're not an Eighth Grader
Take the Sophomores seriously
Remember the Warning List is made for some purpose
Don't pick the flowers around the New Building
Remember that the store is open every day but Tuesday and Thursday.

Animated Freshman Calendar
First day of school, Seniors & Freshman
Second day of school, Freshman & Sophomores
Third day of school, Freshman!!
A week later - Freshman and Intermediates
A month later The Freshman Dance
Another month gone Exams!!
Tempus Fugit Exams are Over!
Leaves Dig Day! (Freshman, take your tools hand)
Commencement Everybody!!

(illustration, ship with the NSCDS seal and "HIGH SCHOOL" written on it)

(class photo)

Girl's Officers
Presidents - Jean Marx, Jean Armstrong, Priscilla Roberts
Boy's Officers
Vice-Pres. - Robert Hill
Pres. - Ralph Greenlee

Eight and twenty-two are we,
In class and out of school.
Though some of us are rather dumb,
There are some bright ones, too.

In boys we number eleven,
In girls we number more,
And you may be sure majority rules
In the Eighth Grade at North Shore!

Most of us in math do shine,
But science we don't see,
In history we're behind the times,
And grammar is our specialty.

But even in our troubles
We love our teachers dear,
And want to say in closing
We'd like the same next year.

The Tale of Peter
Once upon a time there lived in Germany a little boy who enjoyed long walks in the country. One day he said to his mother, "Mother, if you will let me go for a walk, I will Pick some flowers for you." She answered,"Yes, you may go when the kettle Boyles, but don't Pick the primrose because it Withers so quickly." In a few- minutes the kettle was boiling away, and, as it was sort of Cooley outside, Peter put on his coat.
When he came out on the open road, he met a man with Armstrong who asked him, "Watson are you?" "I am Peter, Edward's Oleson," he replied, "and I have a younger brother named Bob." Do you fight together?'asked the man. "Oh, yes," said Peter, "and sometimes Roberts me."
They started off together, and as they were just topping a Hill over which they could see the Greenlee on the Moore where Peter was going to Pick his flowers, they saw a horse come galloping along. Sometimes he would stop and snort and kick up his heels and then Guthrie or four steps forward. As he passed Peter and his companion, the man, who turned out to be a Clark in the bank, said, "I have never seen a Wilder horse than that. I wouldn't ride him on Adair."
Presently they came to the Greenlee on the Moore where they saw a man walk- ing. "Ah," said the Clark, "there is Mac. I wonder where is McKeown." So he left Peter, and he and the man went off together. As Peter was picking flowers, he saw a Bersback among the blueberry bushes. He Winston ran quickly to a Ripley brook.
He jumped across the brook and started home. As he again came to the Hill, he saw a lady with a Babe in her arms trying to Holloway a rambunctious Billy goat. Peter offered to take it home for her, which she willingly let him do. She called him back and said, "I know that you do not Lackner need money, but here are five Marx."
Peter took the Marx, thinking it would be nice to give his mother a surprise Pardee, and ran to the market and bought a Cunnyngham. Then he ran home and told his mothers all his adventures.
If this story is too much of a Riddle for you, speak to the writer.

True and loyal are we,
Happy in school and play,
Efficient we try to be,

Eager to learn each day.
Indulgent to our teachers all,
Genial with our playmates too,
Hardy and fit for all kinds of ball,
Thoughtful and merry when we're not blue.
Helpful always you'll find us all.

Generous and grateful too,
Rambunctious, peppy, and gay.
And we get so more and more,
During each passing day,
Ever loving old North Shore.

Oh, what a snappy eighth grade
Was produced in '24,
A grade the school should be proud of,
There never was such before.

We love our teachers dearly,
And never are bad in session.
For woe to us if we're naughty!
These teachers use no discretion.

A pinch in the side from B. Riddle,
A rap on the head from H. Jones,
A terrific assignment from E. Smith,
"No milk shakes," said Mr. Holmes.

On through school we go,
Never shirking on the way,
Through winter and summer alike,
Alike in work and in play.

After we have departed,
We'll look back to these days in school
And say, "What a keen place was North Shore—
The place for the book and the tool."

There was a young fellow named Hill,
His first name was Bob and not Bill.
He had a queer laugh
Like the snort of a calf,
Which he left to the class in his will.

There was a young fellow named Rip,
Who was a wonderful fellow to jip.
Now once he had lunch
With the rest of the bunch
And never gave the waiter a tip.

There was a bright fellow named Ken,
Whom the cops have stuck in a pen,
For when on his wheel
He let out a squeal
And injured two or three men.

There was a young fellow named Larz,
Who liked to visit bazaars.
He bought lots of things
Like bracelets and rings
And bottled them all up in jars.

(class photo)

President - Herbert Woodward
Vice-President - Emma Woolfolk
Treasurer Secretary - Emma WoolFolk

Committee of Three
Paul Magnuson
Sherman Booth
William Sullivan

Such a funny twenty-three!
Emma, Ruth and Al Beardslee,
Virginia, Anne and Dorothy,
Elizabeth, Phyll and our Evey.
Now come names of the other lot,—
There are two Johns and Cutler Mott,
Hiram the poet and Jack Knode,
Gould and Herbert, who carries the load,
Robert Sellery, Hughes and Bill,
Alf and Henry who can't sit still.
Don't forget our Sherm and Paul,
Each one upward striving—That's all.

The Christmas Play
This year it fell to the lot of the Seventh Grade to present the Christmas Play.
After reading many old legends and stories of early Bible days, we decided to use the prophecies of Isaiah, Micah and Deuteronomy as prologues for a three-scene play. Then we wove our story about an old woodcutter living in a woods outside Bethlehem. He lived a clean, faithful life and with many like himself looked for the coming of a Messiah.
It was interesting to learn how people in those far-away days dressed and lived and acted, and we feel that writing and presenting the play was the biggest thing in our whole year's work.

The Cathedral of Amiens
This cathedral had a Gothic arch,
Where saints and pilgrims once did march.
Its carvings fine like lace-of-stone, Or birds that once had flown,
Its towers with their chimes so sweet, Thrill the pulses in their every beat,
While gargoyles downward look As though into a story book.
The spires with their lofty heights,
The windows with their colored lights,
The painted arches in the tower, Recall the Lord's almighty power,
And when the crowd its praise doth sing, It maketh all the arches ring
And swiftly to us doth bring
Thoughts of God, our only King.

The Santa Maria
One snowy March day, the class took a trip to Jackson Park to see the model of Columbus' flagship, the Santa Maria.
As the ship was anchored off shore, the Harbor Master took us over in a small rowboat. A path had been cut in the ice to make it possible to pull the boat across.
First he told us what had happened to the Pinta and the Nina, and how this model had come across the Atlantic under its own sail, while the other two had to be towed.
Then he began showing us around. We saw Columbus' anchor, which is used in Columbus Day parades. Then we went below where we saw the stores and all the big wooden blocks and tackle, the prisons and parts of Columbus' bed, the stove which was used only in fair weather as it had to sit out in the open, and great concrete blocks used as ballast to the ship.
Returning to the upper deck, we were shown the stateroom which the Admiral used. In it were two hanging lamps and chairs used in the time of Columbus.
After this we examined the guns which seemed very crude to us now and all the riggings. Then Mr. Smith asked us questions and we took notes and made drawings of different things on the ship. Then we left.
It was a fine excursion and made us realize how hard it was to take a voyage in those days, and how things have changed.

In the Spring
Did you ever stop to-analyze
Your feelings in the spring?
How you like to see the buds
And hear the Bluebirds sing,
And study Nature, bit by bit?
Did you ever stop to think of it?

Did you ever stop to analyze
Your feelings in the spring?
Why such a lot of fun you have With just a top and string,
A racket, kite or ball and mitt?
Did you ever stop to think of it?

Did you ever stop to analyze
Your feelings in the spring?
Why woodland picnics calls you Why children's voices ring,
And eyes are laughter lit?
Did you ever stop to think of it?

People We Would Like to Have Been
Ann Ashcraft - Anne Boleyn
Alice Beardslee - Queen Mary
Ruth Beardslee - Dido
Evelyn Bouscaren - Queen Elizabeth
Phyllis Ferry - Cleopatra
Virginia Lamson - Catherine of Aragon
Dorothy Nunn - Catherine de Midici
Elizabeth Sutherland - Marie Antoinette
Emma Woolfolk - Joan d'Arc
Alfred Alschuler - Leif the Lucky
John Bersbach - Hannibal
Sherman Booth - Magellan
Hughes Dallas - Hawkins
Gould Davies - Socrates
John Elting - Raleigh
Hiram Hoskins - Charlemagne
Jack Knode - Pizarro
Paul Magnuson - Napoleon I
Cutler Mott - Marco Polo
Robert Sellery - Drake
Billie Sullivan - Ulysses
Henry Warren - Henry the Navigator
Herbert Woodward - Aristotle
Miss M. Cornell - Julius Caesar

(group photographs of students and teachers)

(illustration of a knight riding a horse holding the NSCDS seal on a shield and carrying a flag that says "Live and Serve")

We have been running our Commercial Enterprises almost all year. Several fathers came and spoke to us about their business. One father said he started to think what business he would like to be in when he was very young. He thought it would be a good plan if some of us started to think about it too , so we wrote down on a piece of paper what business we would like to be in. We never thought then that most of us were going to have an imaginary business. Miss Griffith asked us if we would like to have business in school, and of course we all said "Yes." Most of use formed partnerships, but some went in business alone. W e all started with quite a large capital. The names of some of the companies are: The Rustic Tea Room, The Bronze Antique Shop, The Palace Barn Ranch, etc. One boy became a banker. He keeps our accounts straight. Two of us have real businesses, the Inland Radio Co., and the Preston Fish Store. They sell to us for real money. Miss Griffith is the Secretary of Commerce. She lists us in Bradstreet when our cash book and ledger are balanced, and when she finds our business in good working order. We have a mail box in our room, each person has a section of it. Each row in between the desk we have named as streets after the school. All of our arithmetic centers around our business. We have enjoyed it very much and are understanding our arithmetic much better because of it.

Some Interesting Things We Have Heard and Done
We made a board walk between Eliot and the Gym. In October we started it because there was so much mud in that space. We worked out the dimensions and cost in Arithmetic Class. The Fourth and Fifth Grades were very helpful in helping us make it.
We took a trip to the Art Institute and the Field Museum. We heard an interesting talk on Egypt at the Art Institute, and at the Field Museum we saw many Egyptian things.
We heard two talks this year on Egypt, Mrs. Mason's and Mrs. Wiegle's. Mrs. Mason had heard Professor Breasted's talk, and Mrs. Wiegle had been in Egypt at the opening of a very interesting tomb.

Dear Class:
I am in Seville now. I came here from Grenada. On my way I saw them picking olives, making olive-oil, and pickling olives. I will tell you about an olive grove. The one I visited covered six thousand acres. There were hundreds of men employed picking olives. They looked very poor, like Spanish peasants. They live in little stone huts in the cities nearby. Every morning they bring something to eat-like hard bread or a tough piece of salted fish for lunch. The gathering of olives is done when the fruit is green. I am now going to Portugal and look into the cork industry. P. S. Half of the people at home do not know that the expensive Italian olive oil which they buy is half Spanish.
London, England, December 10, '23.

Dear Fifth Grade:
I just got off the train from Liverpool at the Euston Station. I am now going to David Copperfield's house and I will finish my letter when I come home. David Copperfield's house is made into a sort of a library. Many different countries have sent books there. The French Ambassador presented it with $400 while I was there. It is located in the dreary part of London. Perhaps some of you do not know that David Copperfield was a character in one of Dicken's books by that name. You must surely read it.
Stockholm, Sweden, February 11, '24.

Dear Boys:
I am now in Stockholm. There are boats from all over the U. S. and the rest of the world, coming for fish and lumber and trade. Another interesting thing is to see the midnight sun. The sun is out from January first to October twentieth, and it is hard to tell when to go to bed and when to get up. While I was there I went through a match factory made from the evergreen trees. One-half the people are in lumbering jobs. You who have seen Venice would think Stockholm was another gondola place. It has much water and many islands. So long.
Countryside of Italy, April 10, '24.

Dear Fifth Grade:
I am having a lovely time. I like it over here a lot. I am glad to walk on dry land. I know that you are studying about silk and silk worms. You would not believe that the eggs and worms are raised in peasant huts. They eat mulberry leaves. Thousands of dark-eyed, dirty little boys and girls are busy getting their food and feeding them. Gathering mulberry leaves is their work, like washing dishes and dusting is yours. When you go inside the hut you hear a sound that makes you think it is raining. Then you laugh to yourself, for it is not rain at all, but millions of silk worms eating. After they have eaten and eaten they get sleepy and spin a cocoon. perhaps you would like to know how long a cocoon would be in a line unwound. Sometimes it is three fourths of a mile long. About three thousand silkworms would make a plain dress. It makes you feel respectful to your best silk dress.

A Greek Procession for Our Thanksgiving
(illustration "Pose of 4th Grade Greeks at Morning Ex)

The Fourth Grade was asked to give a Thanksgiving Exercise, and as long as we were studying Greeks we decided to give the Procession to Athene. In the procession we had to have fruit and grain bearers, flute players, wine bearers, bread and cake bearers, flower bearers, priests, priestesses, robe carriers, winners in the Panathenaic games, and foreigners. For all these characters we had to have costumes and we made our own. Then we had to have wine jugs, so we bought pitchers and
painted Greek designs on them. We needed some bronze bowls to carry bruit and grain it, so we got some chopping bowls and painted them bronze. At the beginning of our exercise we stood out in the Lobby and when all the School was seated we marched up the aisle, carrying our gifts to Athene. When we got to the stage we walked up some steps and the priestesses received our offerings and piled them around the statue of Athene. When the priestesses had received our gifts we knelt down and sang a song of praise to Athene. Then the athletes danced for Athene. One of the priestesses suggested that they dance for the Goddess Athene. Following this we sang "For the Beauty of the Earth" with the audience and then marched out.

Nature Study
This year in Nature we have been studying about many interesting things. One of the most interesting things we have studied about (I thought) was the barnacle and all the changes he made and how he got his food. Another interesting thing was the salmon. He can jump such very high falls. The salmon are very delicious to eat. Miss Cornell read us a story of how a salmon was trying to jump some very high falls. H e had to try eighteen times before he got to the top. W e also studied about plants and how they changed. Then studied about the Dinassaur and that was very interesting.

The Lilies
Around the path the lilies grow,
Peeping their tiny heads out of the snow,
Bowing and swaying their heads up and down,
With yellow sweet pollen on each head as a crown.

Oh what a joy when the winter was done,
They could open their petals into the sun,
Oh what joy to be out in May
And watch the children around them play!

How We Made Our Play of Abraham Lincoln
(illustration Third Grade Lincoln Birthday Stage setting)
We first got all the books we could get on Abraham Lincoln. We decided to make our play from "The Boyhood of Abraham Lincoln," by J. Rogers Gore. Miss Griffith and Miss Grunawald read it to us. We wrote our speeches on the blackboard and took some from the book. We copied it and gave it to Miss Hall and she copied it on the type- writer.
In the play we tried to bring out Lincoln's kindness to animals and his love for
learning and put in Lincoln's first speech against slavery. His books were: the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, Aesop's Fables, and Robinson Crusoe.
The scene was supposed to represent the interior of the Hodgen's log cabin. We made the scenery. First we got thirty sheets of brown paper and some calcimine mixed with gray paint and painted the paper to look like logs. Some of us stayed and helped on the scenery until five o'clock.

The Historical Society
The Third Grade gave the Lincoln Play on February 12th, 1924. We brought books, pictures, and other old interesting things about Lincoln and about the Civil War. One of the children of the Third Grade suggested we should have an Historical Society.
Mr. Burley, who was President of the Chicago Historical Society for eleven years, talked to us on February 20th about starting an Historical Society. H e said the way to start is to just start one. He said we did not need a charter. He said also that we could bring things like new papers, valentines, stamps, and other things of 1924, and in a few more years it would be an old thing and have a history. Mr. Burley talked to the whole school a month later, and they all became interested and brought things and are still bringing them. W e call the Society the North Shore Historical Society because it is the name of the school, and another reason because to everyone north of Evanston through Highland Park. We have many interesting things in our Historical Society from all over the world. We have old-fashioned dresses, tapestry that is very old, spears and helmets, Civil War guns, and many Lincoln pictures. W e also have the Larry Burr Collection of spears, pistols, swords, and guns, from many parts of the world. Another very interesting thing is a copy of the first electric lamp made by Thomas Edison.
The Historical Society at present is located on the second floor of Eliot Hall in the southwest room. Everything is tagged telling about each article, and it is open to the public.

The Bedouins
(illustration This is a picture about the Bedouins. They are traveling through the desert.)
The Bedouins live in the desert. They raise sheep. The men shear the sheep. The women make it into yarn. They dye it. Then they weave it. It is either a prayer rug or a real rug.

About Frisky and Woolly
You know that Frisky and Woolly went away to a farm in Wheeling to
Mr. Behren's last fall. Frisky is going to stay there and Woollv is coming back home with a baby lamb. We are going to build them a house when they come back home. Woolly is going to be sheared like she was last spring, then we are going to spin her wool.

What We Are Doing
We made our looms. We dyed our wool. We made all our own dye. We could not make red or blue. We bought it. We are weaving now. The colors are beautiful.

Our Guinea Pigs
On New Year's Day Spotty had two baby guinea pigs while she was visiting me. We gave them to the Kindergarten when they got big enough because Spotty was going to have some more babies soon. On March 27 Spotty had three more baby guinea pigs.

Hansel and Gretel
We gave the play of "Hansel and Gretel." We had three scenes. We made
the scenery. Wee were dressed in costumes. We found them in the costume room. Joe was Hansel. Josephine was Gretel. Mary S. the Dew Man. Merritt was the Sand Man. Mary Lou was the mother. Gev was the father. Rhea was the witch. It was fun.

The Tree People
When we were studying about the tree people we went to the hillside and we played wee were Tree people. We went up to a big tree and Prince saw a rabbit. We played Prince was a tiger and we ran away from him.
(Three illustrations with captions. The Eskimos Dog sleighs skims over snow. The killer whales swim side by side. The Eskimos kill polar bear.)

(illustration with caption: We made the floor of our house with 2 x 4s. Then we put the crossboards on. Then the high school boys helped us put up the sides. They were 2 x 2s. Then we shingles them. We left places for the doors and the windows. We used 2x2s to hold up the roof. Then we put on the roofing board, and then at the ver last, we put on the roofing paper. We are going to paint the house, and we are going to make the furniture. We have made our own dishes for the house. They are made of gray clay.)

If old Knollslea could talk, I am sure it would say,
In about the same words and about the same way,
As the following phrases are stated below, And this is the way its story would go:
"I was built in 1871 a lovely home to be,
And family joys and sorrows there were many I did see,
I helped escaping negroes to travel far away,
And I watched them build the railroad in quite a later day.
"I was bought in 1901 to be a boarding school,
Many a school girls' pranks I saw and many a school girls' rule.
My grounds were thought most lovely, and from my tower tall
One saw for miles around me, roads, the lake, and all.
"In 1919 I was made a school for dear North Shore,
My rooms were used for classes, not for boarders any more.
At length my porches rotted and my tower shaky grew,
And so the Board decided they would plan a building new.
"When this building fine was finished, I had a sort of hunch, I'd be used no more for classes but just a place for lunch.
I tried to cheer myself a bit, though I felt quite blue
For I knew the old and shaky must give way to young and new.
"A gym has now been started, with lunch room, so they say,
And when that gym is finished, I'll be taken quite away;
But when you see my walls removed and my old tower fall,
Remember, please, you used me once, and that I loved you all."


The Purple and White
Editor in Chief - - - - - - - Percy B. Davis, Jr.
Magazine Editor - - - - - - Marcell Vennema
SportEditor- - - - - - - - - Fuller Dean
Exchange Editors - - - Crilly Butler, Louise Sherman
Joke Editor- - - - - - - - - Henry Stein
Head Reporter- - - - - - - - John McEwen
Circulation Manager - - John Davis
Business Manager - - - - - - Edmund Hoskin
The "Purple and White" for the past year has been carrying on some extremely good work both in management and in the quality of the material published. A new system has been devised which works quite efficiently and eliminates the rush for material just before the publishing of an issue. A week or so before the material has to be in, the names of people who have volunteered to write for the paper are read in Morning Assembly, and each 'person is assigned to a member of the Staff, to w h o m he reports to find what is needed. In this way the news of the school is always fresh and interesting, thus giving us a newsy paper every two weeks.
The "Purple and White" has also achieved this year the reputation of coming out on time. This is an essential factor in all newspapers, and we may say that ours has not fallen behind in this respect.
It has become a member this year of the Illinois State High School Press Association. This step will prove very advantageous to the paper in time to come, since keeping in touch with the Association will give the Staff new ideas. It is planned to send a delegate to the convention of the Association each year.
Another thing that the "Purple and White" has accomplished in the last year is the expression of the general feeling of the student body in its issue. This is well illustrated by the number on Student Government. In this issue there appeared at least five or six comments from the students themselves as well as an editorial express- ing the opinion of the Staff.
On the whole the "Purple and White" has been better this year than any year previous, and much credit is due to those who have helped to make it so.

Report of the Fire Drill Committee
The Freshman Class had this year, the opportunity of having charge of the fire drills. The committee chosen by the class was Winifred McKeown (chairman), Janet Kirk, Betty Parker, Alden Rogers, Fred Scott, Philip Moore, and Tom Boal.
The committee, when chosen, went to work planning the system by which to get the people out of the buildings safely. This was a difficult proposition because we had the New Building to arrange for.
We have been working for a long time to get a separate bell for each building and we hope to have these before the year is over.
During the year we have had a fire drill in practically every period. The school has improved greatly in the conduct and speed of the drill.

(photo of the Upper School Student Government Officers)
Student Government

Upper School
Executive Committee: Holden Anderson, Mary Ott, English Walling, Eleanor McEwen, Percy Davis, John McEwen, Lynn Williams.
Chairman of the Executive Committee and Assembly: Lynn Williams; Secretary-Treasurer, Marry Ott. (The same Executive Committee was re-elected each time.)
This year when the School Government becomes idle for the summer, it will have advanced far beyond the point at which it left off last year. The greatest things accomplished are the creation of a greater respect for laws and the establishment of a stronger feeling of co-operation between students and faculty. Concerning the first of these two things: Students have begun to realize that laws are for the good of the whole and should be obeyed. The law concerning playing on the Gym floor in hard shoes, though but a minor rule, shows this. Anyone seeing someone else starting to disobey this rule immediately calls the offender's attention to it. The interest of everyone in the enforcement of laws is the basis of successful student government. We are acquiring this.
Instrumental in our gaining this interest have been several things: One of these was that the Judiciary, an organization for the enforcement of school laws, did not function as the School thought it should. Rules were made—and disobeyed. The Executive Committee then took some drastic but necessary action, thus stimulating

the lagging Judiciary to a certain extent. Mediocrity seemed to be its standard. It had no definite, orderly court procedure, and this was perhaps partly due to the fact that the student attitude toward the trails was not right. This situation was remedied by the action of a committee appointed to revise the constitution, which produced a plan calling for the abolition of the Judiciary. The Executive then adopted this as part of their policy, the Assembly approved it, and the Judiciary became a thing of the past. The Executive Committee, strengthened by the addition of a Faculty member, took over the Judiciary work and managed it successfully. This radical change aroused the interest of the School and everyone became willing to support the Executive Committee in the enforcement of school laws.
The control of Study Halls was the chief new field of School Government. In doing this the Faculty and students have worked together and the result is a co-operative system whereby the students control the smaller study halls and the Faculty the larger ones. All offenders of study hall rules are tried by the Executive Com- mittee. This control of study halls is but one example of the co-operation between Faculty and students.
With the changes pointed out, the Executive Committee has become a more im- portant force in school life than ever before, and at the same time the system for establishing and maintaining co-operation between Faculty and students is improved. In all we feel that this year has been a great step forward in clearing away the clouds of misunderstanding, heretofore such an obstacle, and in enabling Student Government to advance more swiftly toward its highest form.

Lower School Student Government
Every Monday morning instead of having a regular Morning Exercise, we have Town Meeting. Everybody takes part in them, even the First and Second Grades. The reason we have Town Meeting is because we wanted to govern ourselves as much as possible. We have seven people on the Executive Committee, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary. The Chairman takes charge of the meeting, the Vice-Chairman is in charge of it if the chairman is absent. The Secretary takes the minutes. We elect a new Executive Committee each term. We nominate people in Town Meeting, giving three good qualities about them. After somebody has moved the nomination closed we stop. Copies are the made of the list of people and taken around to the different grades to be voted upon by ballot. The First Grade does not always vote because they do not know the people on the list. W e have four different committees, besides the Executive Committee, which help manage the Lower School. They are: The Grounds, Lost and Found, Lavatory, and Museum Committee. There is one representative from each grade and also a substitute. Their meetings are held every Thursday from 1:20 to 2:00 P.M. The Grounds Committee has put baskets around on some of the trees on the School Grounds for people to put things into which could very easily be thrown on the ground. There is a great improvement of the looks of the School Grounds. The Museum Committee gets new things for the Museum and sees that the grades who are studying different subjects have the use of the Museum articles.
Our Town Meetings are something like a Democracy because we can all give own own opinions on anything brought up, and we can all vote. Usually the Chairman

runs the meeting in this order: First the minutes of the last Town Meeting, then the Executive Notes; then the Chairman asks one representative from each Committee to report about what they were doing last meeting. Then we take up different things the Executive Committee has planned for us to take up. W h e n the bell rings the Chairman says,"The meeting will be adjourned. I will take a quiet row first." We run our meetings by Robert's Rules of Order.
In most of our last Town Meetings we have been forming a Judiciary. We have been forming it for about the same reason as we have Town Meetings, because we want to govern ourselves as much as possible. There are seven people on the Judiciary. One from the Executive Committee and others, any one in the Lower School who has good qualities. We have a Judge already and expect to have other officers. Only the big things are to go before the Judiciary Court and small things are to go before minor courts in our rooms.

Toy Shop 1923-24
There seems in all the departments to have been a wonderful spirit in helping to make the Toy Shop this year a real pleasure and help to Santa Claus.
Heads of Departments: Crilly Butler, Director; Fuller Dean, Woodwork; Lynn Williams, Boat Department; English Walling, Mechanical Department; Edmond Hoskin, Printing Department; Mary Ott, Doll Department; Marcell Vennema, Book Department; Eleanor Sherman, Game Department; Louise Sherman, Painting Department.
The Toy Shop, under the direction of Crilly Butler, put out many well made and useful toy's this year. With only two or three weeks in which to work there was a large amount of careful work done. Many children in the School brought some of their old toys, and these were painted and patched up before they were given to the poor children. Besides these a lot of new toys were made by pupils in the Toy Shop.
Looking in at the window of the Domestic Science Room, Mary Ott is seen busily glueing dolls' wigs, and washing dolls' faces while directing her helpers in the art of hemming and other stitches to be applied to the clothing of the victims. The room is full of dolls, teddy bears, dolls' beds and bed clothing, and last, but by no means least, a troup of hard workers. * * * Up in the old Latin Room in West, we find Marcell Vennema and many others at work mending books of all kinds. Some have red covers, others have green, but they all look like new after being given a thorough examination and fixing over. * * * Let's leave West and look in at the east basement window of Eliot where "Louise Sherman and Company" are paint- ing. You never say so many old toys rapidly being rejuvenated, as there are in this rooms. There are dolls, boats, taxis, animals of all kinds, dollhouses, Andy Gumps, doll carriages, and cradles, and lots of girls and boys working as if their lives de- pended upon whether they finished painting that toy or not. And if we go 'round the corner to the south of the building, we can look in at a little room plumb full of beautiful painted toys of every description and every color from kiddy-kars to ironing boards. * * * On the way over to the new building we meet Crilly Butler carrying an armful of books to be rebound and toys to be painted. He's bound for their respective hospitals.
* * Upon reaching the new building we go down to the basement and stand in the doorway of the Shop. A noise of saws and hammers reaches our ears and upon further observation we see boys fashioning ducks,

carts, and repairing damaged animals, mechanical toys, not to mention trains and boats in a great plenty. * * * Down the hall towards the south end of the building is Eleanor Sherman, seated at a large table, sorting and patching games and puzzles with the help of some other freshmen, who are working hard to finish the day's quota before the building closes. * * *

(photo of the Dramatic Club in costumes)
Dramatic Club
The officers of this year's Dramatic Club are: President, Marjorie Janney; Vice-President, Elbridge Anderson ; and Secretary-Treasurer, Louise Sherman.
The present Dramatic Club wished to give a three-act play this year suitable for High School presentation. Mrs. A. Starr Best, of the Drama League, suggested an Irish comedy, "The Dragon," written by Lady Gregory, which had been success- fully presented in Evanston. This play was decided upon and an excellent caste was chosen and coached by Miss Grunewald. The caste was as follows: King—Alfred Childs; Queen—Mary Ott; Princess Nuala—Helen Shimmin; Dall Glic—Edward Kohlsaat; Nurse—Margot Atkin; Prince of the Marshes—Crilly Butler; Manus, King of Sorcha—Albert Grotenhuis; Fintan the Astrologer—Andrew McNally; Sibby (Taig's Mother)—Elinor Tomlinson; Taig—Virginia Hobart; Gatekeeper— Elbridge Anderson; Two Aunts of the Prince of the Marshes—Doris Ferry and Louise Conway; Foreign Servants—Marion Alschuler and Jean MacLeish ; Dragon— English Walling. The Production Managers were as follows: General Manager—- Elbridge Anderson; Stage Director—Crilly Butler; Property Manager—Mary Carmen; Costume Manager—Marjorie Janney; Electrician—Edmund Hoskin; Business Director—Frank Fowle; Advertising Manager—Frederika Walling.
The play was given on Friday night, the fourth of April. The various committees, the actors, and Miss Grunewald, who coached the play, are to be congratulated upon the result. The scenery, which was designed and built by a student committee, was well done and the lighting was also effective. In the play it was necessary to have the sound of wind and waves. Francis Parker School was said to have a machine making just such a noise, so a group of the boys went to that school, studied the machine, came back to the North Shore and built one like it. The result was excellent. W e were fortunate enough to procure costumes designed by George Du- berg, a Russian. This also was done through the courtesy of Mrs. A. Starr Best.
We hope that next year we will be able to present two plays, for the talent in the School is of great quantity and quality. W e , the Dramatic Club, wish to thank the student body for its co-operation throughout the year.


As the season opened up, our prospects seemed better than last year's, since only four from the whole squad had departed; so we tried to begin just where we left off last year, since in the last game with Lake Forest we showed a real fighting spirit.
This team, the heaviest that the School has ever had, was captained by Holden Anderson.

North Shore 25, New Trier 0
This game, our first, was a walk-away, since besides our four touchdowns, we
had the ball within scoring distance three other times, but lost it through fumbles.

Milwaukee Country Day School 18, North Shore 6
Those who made the long trip to Milwaukee to see this game were hardly
disappointed despite the score. This first half was well and easily played, on a muddy and temporary field. North Shore scored first after steady gains up the field; Anderson made the touchdown. Then shortly after the kick-off Milwaukee completed a long pass and scored, tieing the score. The first half ended 6-6. The second half wasn't as brilliantly played, and we seemed to lose confidence as Milwaukee gained it. A n d the whole team seemed unable to stop Miller, their 180-lb. full-back. In the third quarter they scored the other two touchdowns, but in the last period we fought them to a standstill.

Harvard 0, North Shore 0
Our self-confidence seemed to have been deeply hit in our preceding game, but
we came back with a fair fight and played a scoreless game with Harvard. In the first half we made far more "first downs" than they, but in the second half a kick of Waiting's was blocked and Harvard was in possession of the ball on our 3-yd. line. The game now was at its crisis, for one down, two downs, three downs; and then the last down! North Shore held, was given the ball and punted out to safety! And And so the game ended 0-0.

(photograph of the football team)
Third Row -
J. McEwen
L. Williams
A. Childs
M. Phillipsborn
Standing -
E. Kohlsaat
A. Boal
Second Row -
H. Stein
H. Anderson (captain)
W. Nicholls
P. Davis
First Row -
S. Boal
E. Walling

(photograph of the field hockey team)
Third Row -
Miss Greeley (coach)
H. Leonard
B. Groves
E. Lamson (captain)
M. Ott
M. Alschuler
Second Row -
E. McEwen
H. Hardenberg
H. Simmin
M. Miller
First Row -
M. Vennema
M. Atkin
M. Stevenson

North Shore 12, Allendale 0
Perhaps some will remember a game played last season against Morton Grove ?
Well, this game entered our schedule in order that the team might redeem itself. The game was played at Allendale and won 12-0. Allendale's team was lighter and had had less experience than ours. Their playing was ragged and the wretched umpiring really made a good game impossible.

Parker 27, North Shore 0
The season ended with a rather inglorious defeat. Parker outplayed us in almost
every way and we seemed dazed almost all the time. Parker has a faster and more experienced team, whose goal wasn't threatened at any time. Thus our season ended.
"We're improving,"is a good comment on the 1923 Football Team. This year
we ended far ahead of the last year's team, but it is quite obvious that the standard of the line will have to improve before we can hope to put forth unconquerable teams. And next year "we can look forward to a good team, since only three of this year's team are leaving.
The line-up: L.E., M. Phillipsborn; L.T., A. Boal; L.G., H. Stein; C, L. Williams; R.G., A. Childs; R.T., P. Davis; R.E., W . Nicholls; Q.B., E. Kohlsaat, J. McEwen; R.H., J. McEwen, L. Burr; L.H., H. Anderson, S. Boal, F.B., E. Walling.

The 90 lbs. Team's Basketball Season
This year's season showed a decided improvement over last year's. We played a three-game league with Skokie School, our only opponents. All these games were played in their Gym. The first game was exciting and hard-fought. W e succeeded in defeating them by the small lead of 16-15. The second game was swifter and more easily won by a margin of about six points. This was due mostly to the fact that we were used to their gymnasium and style of play. The winning of this game gave us the title in the league, but we played off the last game. The last game was a blot on our record, and they defeated us. They showed some remarkable guard- ing which we had heretofore not been shown. Our prospects for another year are good and we hope to do even better next year than we have done this year.

The Lightweight Team
The Lightweight Football Team was not a high point machine although the
spirit was good. The main trouble was that most of our men were inexperienced. The first game of the season was played with Lake Forest Academy on their field. Our players did not know how tofightand did not understand how to make eleven men work as one, consequently we were whipped and received the worst end of a 49-0 score. After a few changes in the line-up the team was ready for the return game with the Lake Forest Lights. Finally the day arrived and although our "gang" fought and put everything they had into the contest we lost 13-0. By comparing the scores you can see that much improvement was made.
This defeat, together with a similar treatment from a local team, dampened the spirits of the North Shore Lightweights. The coming game with Allendale was to be a hard battle, but everyone was determined to fight from the first to the last whistle. Except for one or two changes the Allendale Team was the same as when it played our Heavies. At the half North Shore led, 12-0, but Fate was again unkind to us and the game ended 13-13.
As far as scores are concerned the team was poor, but so many boys learned to fight, to take their defeats like good sports, and to play fair that we can justly call the Lightweight Season a beneficial one.

(photograph of the boys basketball team)
Back Row -
Mr. Anderson (coach)
E. Kohlsaat
A. Grotenhuis
E. Walling
W. Nicholls
F. Fowle
Front Row -
F. Dean
J. McEwen (captain)
H. Anderson

(photograph of the girls basketball team)
Second Row -
H. Shimmin
E. Lamson
Miss Greeley (coach)
M. Ott
M. Janney
First Row -
E. McEwen
H. Leonard (captain)
B. Groves

The Hockey Season
It is impossible to look back on the Hockey Season of 1923-24 without realizing
what a success it was. The underlying cause of the team's success was that they were in one game overconfident, they went into every game with the idea that they would have to do their bitter-best.
The first game of the season, on October 26th, against Parker, was played on such a slippery field that it was almost impossible to stand, thus making it all the harder for us to score our six points and Parker their two.
The game against Latin, November 10th, we won, 6 to 4. The entire time the score was constantly changing from Latin's favor to ours and from ours to Latin's, consequently no one knew whose game it would be until the final whistle. As it was we made the last two goals, breaking a 4-4 tie in the last few minutes.
On November 17th came the Roycemore game, our last and biggest. The score was 1 to 0 in our favor until the beginning of the third quarter when Roycemore tied it. From that time on all that could be heard were cries of "Score! Score! Score! from our side-line until we made the final point,leaving the score 2 to 1 in our favor. Thus ended the report of our most successful Hockey Season.

1924 Basketball Season
We opened our 1924 Season with a walkaway victory over the Alumni, which
was featured by the shooting of "Holy" Anderson. This game was quite a surprise to the haughty Alumni, who expected to win. About a week later we again defeated the Alumni by the lopsided score of 33 to 5.

North Shore 19.New Trier 15
In our first regular game of the season we defeated New Trier's second team
lights in a fast and exciting game. North Shore led at the half and throughout the last half held the lead until the final whistle. This New Trier bunch was one of the snappiest and fastest teams with which we contended all season.

North Shore 16, Harvard 12
On the following Friday we defeated Harvard Prep School in a rather slow-
game in which the visitors were somewhat handicapped by the low rafters. North Shore led at the half and managed to stay at least four points ahead of their opponents.

Lake Forest Lights 16,North Shore 6
A week later North Shore slumped terribly and lost a slow game marred by fumbling, bad passes, and poor shooting, to Lake Forest Lights. Our free throwing was abominable as well as our basket shooting; all in all we missed enough free throws to tie the score.

North Shore 20, Rogers Park 14
On the night of the Athletic exhibition before the parents North Shore won
an awfully slow game from the Boy Builders of Rogers Park. It was too bad to have all the parents watch such a slow game and not to see the team at its best.

North Shore 20, Todd 8
Our next game was won in great style to the tune of 20-8 from Todd Seminary,
a boys' school in Woodstock, Illinois. Last year Todd defeated us twice ; revenge is sweet. It was North Shore's game all the way through, Todd never quite being able to break up the snappy offense of North Shore nor to pierce its defense. Walling starred for the home team with four baskets while Wilson led the scoring of the visitors with two baskets.

North Shore 25, Lake Forest 11
A week later our team avenged themselves upon Lake Forest with a score of
25-11. North Shore completely overwhelmed their opponents with their shooting, Anderson of North Shore leading with eight baskets, while the scoring of the visitors was divided up.

North Shore 15, Harvard 13
In our return game with Harvard we completely surprised the South Siders who
expected to win by at least ten points. The score at the half stood nine all. At the opening of the second half Harvard started right off the reel and shot two baskets. It was a dark moment for the North Shorians and looked like a hard victory. But the old North Shore fight came through and at the final whistle the score stood 15-13 in our favor. Grotenhuis was high point man.

North Shore 14,Todd 12
On the following Tuesday we journeyed out to Woodstock and defeated Todd
in our return game with them. It was a hard fought game in every way, and as soon as the North Shore team found themselves in the small gym they began to show their real worth so that in the last minute of play Grotenhuis dropped in the winning basket.

North Shore 21, Parker 17
In our first games with Parker we won only after realizing that we were up
against a snappy bunch. Parker led at the half, 12-9; but led by Captain M c E w e n . who topped the scoring with three ringers, North Shore made a strong comeback and came out on top.

Parker 29, North Shore 20
In the last game of the season we dropped a fast game to Parker, who certainly
could shoot baskets that day. Although we outplayed the Parker team in the second half, we couldn't overcome the large lead they had piled up in the first half. Grotenhuis, M c E w e n , and Walling each scored two baskets for North Shore, while Holzman scored five for Parker.
This last game was a great disappointment to many of us but still we feel that the team this year has been a great success not only because of its winning over eighty percent of the games but also because of the spirit shown. All in all I think we have made a record which can be aspired to in the future Basketball seasons at North Shore.

Girls' Basketball Season
The Basketball Season began with a game with Faulkner on February second. We outplayed them in every way and the game ended with a score 24-15' in our favor.
The Roycemore game was the one blot on our otherwise successful season. At the half the score was 12-4 in our favor, but due to overconfidence on our part and increased enthusiasm on theirs at the beginning of the second half, the game ended with a score of 15-16 in Roycemore's favor.
The following week, however, we were victorious over Latin by a score of 29-10. Having defeated Roycemore two weeks before, they came into the game somewhat too confident, consequently underestimating our ability while we overestimated theirs. They came into the second half braced up and prepared to try to win the game but we, expecting this, were able to check them and they only made two points to our eleven in the last half.
Besides these three First Team games the Second Team had two games, the first against Marywood. W e won by a score of 12-10. This game, played in our gymnasium on February first, was a close one, but we had the lead all the way through. The second game was against Kemper Hall on March first at Kenosha. W e lost by the appalling score of 57-19. Their forwards were far superior to ours and it was through them that they piled up their points.
The Basketball Season was not as successful as the Hockey, but it was far from being poor. A good bit of the success was due to Miss Greeley's interest and her good coaching.


The Newcomers' Dance
On Friday evening, the twelfth of October, was held Ye Annual Newcomers' Dance. All the old students and the Faculty were there to welcome the new people and to give them a good time. The decoration of the Gymnasium showed exceptional art. The blending of the autumn leaves added such an exquisite charm that it was hard to convince ourselves that it was the same Gym we see every day. The spirit of autumn was carried into the refreshments, for cider and doughnuts were served in the Lobby. Eight o'clock and the dance was on! W e danced till at half past ten by the clock, the last strains of a waltz died away. Music, it has been said, makes or breaks the dance, and our music that night was excellent. So here are three cheers for our newcomers, and here are three more for our Freshmen and their ability to give us a good time.

Armistice Day
Our Armistice Day Exercise was very impressive. Besides singing our own national anthem, we sang those of France, Italy,Belgium, and Great Britain. Large flags of each of these countries were arranged on the front of the stage, making us feel that they would ever be united. Four of the Senior boys gave speeches about the points in Wilson's Fourteen Peace Points that the world could take today and work toward. They brought out the fact that Armistice Day should be a celebration not of what we have accomplished but of what we have to do in the future.

The Christmas Party
After the whole school had joined forces and worked earnestly in the Toy Shop for three weeks, we had something to be proud of. W e marched in to the Gym one morning, and behold, the whole stage was packed with every imaginable kind of toy all fresh and new, waiting for the inspection of Mr. Santa Claus. There was a jingle of bells heard and before we knew it, Santa Claus rushed in the door and was greeted by loud cheers of welcome. When Santa saw all the beautiful toys he was overcome with joy to think he had such faithful helpers. He asked us to dance and play some games for him, so after the Upper School joined with the Lower School and had a merry time. Then after we had finished playing, Santa pulled some large stockings filled with popcorn balls from his bag and gave one to each grade. He asked us to deliver the toys we had made over, which we all agreed to do becausehe was so busy. Santa Claus hurried off with a "Goodbye until next year," and all the School shouted after him, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Goodbye. Did you get my letter? Please remember my train and my doll too. Goodbye."

"The Seekers"
It was dusk, already lights had begun to flicker here and there, as the Carol
Choir began slowly to wind it sway toward the Gym. The processional,"Sing We Noel, spread its soft notes through the Lobby and beyond, as the Choir took its place. The gentle glow of the large candles in every window reflected the glistening- silver ornaments on the Christmas tree and showed dimly the rows of guests waiting to see the Christmas Play. It was Christmastide and all the rafters of the Gym held garlands of green. On one side of the stage stood a large Christmas tree which sent its sweet pine odor everywhere. All the room was hushed and still, waiting for the curtains to part.
When the curtains opened on "The Seekers," for thus the play was called, there was displayed a scene in the woods outside of Bethlehem. The stage was dim and a tired old man was seated on a stone with his son standing beside him. They were travelers, seeking, seeking, they knew not what, but something to bring them comfort and joy. Soon more seekers appeared and together the group discussed what they thought and how they felt about it. Among these seekers were shepherds who had left their sheep, wise men, and kings from far off countries, bearing gold and myrrh. Suddenly a dazzling light was seen, blinding and terrifying the beholders. What won- der was this, and what did it mean? But even the wise men among their number, who knew all things, could not tell. Then a heavenly anthem was heard, sung by angels, proclaiming "Peace and Good Will on Earth" and telling them to fear not but to follow whithersoever the star should lead. The seekers, amazed at the song of the angels, and dazzled by the light, nevertheless felt a peace and holiness which they had never before experienced, and also felt that their quest would soon be at an end. Guided by this marvelous light they came at length to a stable in the woods s,
wherein a mother sat with her newborn Babe. The Babe lay in a manger. Already a great crowd had gathered to worship this Infant King and the seekers were overjoyed that at last the comfort which they had sought many years had been sent, and they worshiped in turn.
Softly but clearly the old German song, "Silent Night, Holy Night," drifted to the ears of the audience. The play was over but the Christmas spirit still remained.

Washington's Birthday
Great gathering,
Everyone excited
Over the tableaux
Gratifying glimpses and

Watching, waiting—
All attended;
Silent scenes showing
How heartily he
Influenced this
New-born nation;
Great and godly,
True and triumphant
Over all others,
Nationally loved.

A Chance for Memory
Do you remember 'way back when the Executive Committee decided to give the School a good evening's entertainment and when rumors crept around telling of a vaudeville to come? If you don't, here is something that might bring back that eventful night.
'Twas a cold night in December at the magic hour of eight. The Gym was packed and the lights were out. Suddenly the curtains parted allowing a flood of light to cover the upturned faces of the still audience. A tight-rope walker was seen, mid picturesque scenery, balanced perfectly on the slender cord. There was a moment of suspense, the figure rose, walked, and even danced back and forth. As the curtain closed a sigh of rapture escaped the audience, only suddenly to be broken by great applause. This wonderful stunt was followed by a group of gypsies singing songs to the musical tunes of their banjos. Next came the dance of the snow-maiden. made even more beautiful by the effect of changing lights. As the curtain reopened a strange apparition, Prunella by name, was seated on the middle of the stage, perfectly still. Much to our amusement, we learned that it was a mechanical doll, able to do anything in the line of eating, sleeping, walking, and even talking. There was great applause as Prunella left the stage. The audience was then transported to the opera where it heard selections warbled by two famous song-birds. From thence back to the Gym where marvelous acrobatic stunts were performed. The Wave Dance was then interpreted by a graceful dancer whose movements truly reminded one of the waves. The audience was again moved—this time backwards, to Crinoline Days. The curtains opened disclosing a pretty tableau of three figures. These figures came to life and sang for us the well-known song "Crinoline Days." W e were again transported into the present and beheld before us a puppet show. This show caused much amusement and the laughter was so great that even the actors and actresses themselves were tempted to laugh. Next, the piano was put to use and many new jazz pieces came forth from it. In accompaniment, four Dutch girls came out and danced a cross between a clog step and a hop scotch, thus earning much applause. Last but not least, maidens from India grouped themselves in tableaux and sang "Song of India" for the enraptured audience. The curtains slowly closed amid enthusiastic applause.
After this enchanting program, chairs were pushed back and when the orchestra appeared we began to dance. The Seventh and Eighth Grades were sent home early and the High School danced till eleven. For weeks afterward the air was full of the wonderful accomplishments of the Committee in arranging such a delightful program.
Now do you remember?

The Sophomore Dance
The Sophomore Dance, which took place on the twenty-first of February, was a well run and snappy party. The decorations were unusually effective for streamers hung from the lights and flags were around the walls. These were all red, white, and blue in honor of George Washington's Birthday. Husk O'Hare's Orchestra put a lot of pep into the music and thus livened things up in a great way. Punch. which was very good while it lasted, was served during the evening. When it came time for the last dance, serpentines were passed out. These when thrown over wires stretched across the Gym were very effective in adding to the decorations. At the end everyone joined in an enthusiastic "O'er the Fields."

A Coronation at North Shore
All the subjects were eagerly gathered together to see the coronation of the Valentine King and Queen. Even the babies and wee tots were there in the big hall to see the wonderful sight. Everyone was whispering and wondering who the new rulers of Cupid's dart would be. But suddenly there was a silence; and a blast of music burst forth. At the far end of the hall the beginning of a long procession was seen. First came the little flower girls strewing hearts on the path ; and following them came the nuns and monks, chanting under their breath. And then everyone gasped, for who should follow but Cupid himself, shooting at everyone in sight. Directly after this little rascal came the King and Queen themselves. Following these were the arch bishop and the rest of the procession. The King stepped forward and knelt at the feet of the archbishop, who placed a magnificent crown on his head. The Queen did the same, and amidst many cheers the two re-seated themselves. Then the trumpet sounded and a herald stepped forth and announced that there would be some entertainment in honor of the great event. So everyone danced before the King and Queen and then bowed to them. The older subjects exchanged favors with the younger ones and each dance was a mass of red and white ; and all the time Cupid pranced up and down the hall shooting until the string on his bow almost broke. But the lovely part was that when he stopped shooting everyone found that he had a red heart with some happy wish for the future.
After all these pretty dances the King and Queen marched out again and the faithful subjects followed them, cheering loudly.

Dig Day
The bell rang at four o'clock and was soon followed by the clanking of tools and the shouting of the boys and girls as they went merrily to their posts. One glimpse around the campus was enough to satisfy anyone that there was no loafing. This shows a great improvement over previous years. The Junior and Senior boys with Mr. Smith dug a hole in the ground for two huge tree trunks. The Freshmen and Sophs worked spading the ground preparing for grape-vines to be planted later. In the midst of all this, work was stopped and ice-cream and cookies given out. This pleased everyone, as nothing tastes better after an hour's work.
The spirit this year was much better than in years before. Everyone pitched into the work and got loads of fun out of it. Because of this year's success there are rumors going around of having a "Hobo Day" next year.

Junior Dance
The Junior Dance, given on May second, was a fitting celebration after the toil and worry of Exams. TheGym was gaily decorated with crepe paper strips of many colors, and, oh yes, of course "the music was fine,"a fact verified by everyone hard
up for conversation. Strange as it may seem, the topic of the evening was exams, exams, instead of, "Aren't the decorations pretty," or "Isn't the punch good?" The universal line was, "Was your Latin exam hard?" or "Did you get the second geometry problem?" etc. When at the end of the dance everyone went, all "had a perfectly wonderful time," and the Juniors were all "so glad they enjoyed it."

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
The Easter Play, written and presented by the Eighth Grade, was exceptionally good this year. The manner of presentation., the music, and the atmosphere, were in perfect accordance with the spirit of Easter. The play itself was about the persecution of the early Christians some years after the time of Christ. The Roman Emperor, who is in the country, orders the Christians brought before him for judgment. They are offered their liberty and service under the Roman Government if they will change their religion, but this they refuse to do. The Emperor, admiring their courage, gives them three days' grace to change their minds, at the end of which period they shall be killed if they are not converted. The scene now changes to a lonely countryside with the Christians vainly trying to escape, but they finally go into a cave to sleep. The curtain closes to indicate a lapse of time, and then we see the Christians just rising up from their slumbers, supposedly on the third day. One of their number is sent to the city and he returns much disturbed, telling of a great change. In a moment the townsfolk enter, marveling at the strange band on the hillside. Then the great mystery is cleared. The Christians have been sleeping many years and now they wake to find the whole world converted to Christianity. Thus contented they again resume their slumbers till the great Day of Judgment for all.
The play was very effective and gave a good impression of the Easter message. It may be said in closing that the music was also much better than it has ever been before, and all sang well, giving quite a complete Easter program.

Memories of May Day, 1923
A long procession of various bright-colored costumes; singing and more singing; numerous people seated beneath the trees north of West Hall; attendants, flower girls, and a crown bearer ; a May Queen in a chariot drawn by a pony bedecked with ribbons and flowers; then artists and poets with enthralling poems and exquisite paintings ; dances on the green turf—in particular a minuet; an exciting archery contest
by the Fifth Grade; a quarterstaff drill by the High School Boys; the May Pole Dance in which the performers wove intricate patterns with their ribbons; at last, to end this lovely program, a snake dance winding around the campus.

Commencement Week, 1923
As graduation approaches the fond memory of last Commencement comes back and we recall with pleasure the many events crowded into that all too brief week: Field Day, a pageant of purple and white, a picnic lunch and races on the green; the Senior luncheon, viewed from afar by all but the privileged few; the School luncheon, with stunts, speeches, and Year Book; the Senior Prom, looked forward to throughout the year, with its wonderful decorations and moon-flooded campus; and last of all the impressive Graduation itself.
We look back to that Commencement Week with a great deal of pleasure, and look ahead to the next with as much anticipation for we are sure it will be as enjoy- able as the last.

The Pirates of Penzance
Seldom have there been such scenes at North Shore as those on the nights of the "Pirates." Beginning with the dress rehearsal, the whole School was changed from a very respectable place to a den infested by a band of murderous pirates with a sprinkling of beautifully tarlatan maidens. Going around almost any corner one was likely to come face to face with some villainous looking rogue be-daggered and be-mustached, swaggering about like a prince, very unlike the usual docile inhabitants of the School. All over the lot danced beautiful gay-clothed maidens with pink cheeks aglow, and eye-lashes discreetly penciled. Down in the locker rooms where the King and Queen of Make-up held sway, there was much confusion. Crier of horror escaped the lips of onlookers as each victim passed beneath the cruel clutches of these royal potentates. On the stage there was noise as of a moving day. The very walls swayed under their bright colors. After enrolling all Winnetka into the Gym, the Pirates resume their operations on the stage and, accompanied by the maidens and some policemen, they behaved, I have been told, creditably.
The members of the cast for this our first operetta were:Frederick,Frank Blatchford; The Major General, Percy Davis; The Pirate King, Alfred Childs; Samuel, John Davis; Sergeant of the Police, Lynn Williams; Mabel, Jane Sutherland; Ruth, Marjorie Janney; Kate, Barbara Groves; Isabel, Emily Pope; Edith, Betty Knode. The Chorus was made up of most of the High School.

Commencement Plans for 1924
Field Day - - - - - - - Monday, June second
School Luncheon - - - - - Wednesday, June fourth
Senior Luncheon - - - - - - Thursday, June fifth
Commencement - - - - - - Friday, June sixth
Senior Prom - - - - - - Saturday, June seventh

Prom Prospects
The Senior Prom is to be given on Saturday June seventh. There is much excitement around school in anticipation of this event, and the Seniors meet often for long and hilarious sessions. From what I gather I think it will be a good party —even better than last year's, and that will be going some! I've heard some spicy bits about the orchestra, decorations, and programs —but I don't think I'll tell you because that would take away the surprise—anyway I assure you they're peachy. Will see you in the grand march !

Who's Who in the Alumni?
We find that the Alumni have scattered their influence all over the country, from California where Audy Phelps is attending Thacher School, to Andover, Massachusetts, where Mac Stevenson is, and at present is trying out for the Andover Tennis Squad. He expects to go to Yale next year with two or three other former North Shorians. We often see Barb Nicholls and Mabel Golding here at school, for Barb is taking an art course at the Art Institute and doing social service work, while Mabel is attending a tutoring school in Chicago. She is planning to go to Chicago University next year and to Smith the year after. Mariette Cassels and Molly Radford are both at Mt. Holyoke. Molly, we hear, was Captain of the Freshman Hockey Team and Mariette sings in one of the school choruses. She says, "I've had my hair bobbed and shingled! That's what college does for some people." Vera McDermid is a freshman at the University of Missouri. She has gone out for all athletics and made the Freshman Baseball and Swimming Teams. Libby Jackson sailed for Europe, April third, with her mother. She is taking a course in Interior Decorating and expects to return in October. Our friend Beulah, on whom we were always accustomed to rely when it came to making posters, headings, etc., is taking an art course at the Art Institute. She is planning to go there next year, too, but has not definitely decided what course she will take. North Shore is represented at Smith by Kay Bulkley and Carolyn Case, both of whom are doing well and enjoying their work. Sylvia Haven writes, "I've enjoyed watching the growth and progress North Shore has made to standardize better education, even though I haven't actually returned to join in the spirit of it." Sib, by the way, is engaged, and so is Kay Mordock, who is staying at home now. My, how they do grow up! Ruth Holloway, at Ogontz School in Pennsylvania, was on the school basketball team. She goes to Bryn Mawr next year. She says, "My only regret is that I cannot come back to Ogontz next year and go to Bryn Mawr too." Christine Baumann, after having spent a year at Smith, is now at Chicago University and doing well. Joan Hofeller, whom we all saw during her vacation, is taking a kindergarten course at Chicago. Mary Hall is now a Junior at Madison, after two years at Mt. Holyoke. She is taking a journalistic course, and believes that " a woman may write at anytime if she will doggedly stick to it." Who knows? She may be a second Shakespeare! Everyone knows her sister, known by some as "Miss Hall" and by others as "Liz." We were sorry to see her go in May. Both Willoughby Walling and Edward Hinchliff, unknown to some by any- name other than Hinchy, are at Cornell University. Willoughby is an inmate of the N e w York State College of Agriculture at Cornell, and wrote home, "I have just bought a pair of gum-soled shoes and a new suit, so don't be surprised if I become entirely good-for-nothing, and collegiate." Pearson Williams, who left North Shore last year, is now at Purdue. He has gotten on well and will remain there. In the fall he did some work in the line of Freshman football, and as the year progressed he made the Freshman Swimming Team and received his letter. W e have good reasons to be proud of him. Edwin Ashcraft, commonly known as Squirrel, has been at Exeter during the past year. He is largely developing his efforts in the line of music. H e plays in the School Orchestra and at times is called out to public dances. He goes to Yale next year to join Bob Clark, who is a Junior there now.

(candid photographs)
Top Left: Perry Dunlap Smith and Jack Doc Anderson


The Pirates of Penzance

The curtain slide open without a mishap
While players were gropin' for courage alack.
"More wine, dear old Samuel, our cups they are dry
And we'll sing a toast to this pirate king guy."

The glasses were raised as the band up-tuned,
While the bold pirateers sweet harmony crooned.
Fritz and his Mabel in fondest embrace,
Stuttered together (while we made a face):
Scorned and forgotten lay Ruth on the floor,
Our poor little Ruthie had troubles galore!

Then in walked the pop of his daughters—all beauts—
The monocled general in a brass buttoned suit.
Maybe you think that papa couldn't rhyme,
But he did (with the aid of a daughter, and time).
His beauteous daughters as chorus add much.
And on to the show put a finishing touch.

The Burglars of Buffalo
Written by O'Connor and Goldberg
Directed by Mah Jongg Babcock
Heroine (quite a bird) Pfwata Fowle Pfwata's guardian, a banker. . . Rocko Coin
Hero, a young man of sense . . . Bill Nickels
Cashier in Coin's Bank . . . Purse Davis
Night Watchman in Bank, a gentleman of color (hard to find in the dark) . . . Coal Sack
Manservant. . . Crill Butler
Maid. . . Iddy Ott
Chief of Police. . . Terrible Grotenhuis
Gumshoe. . . Laus Galoshes
Motor-cycle cop. . . Dash Sherman
Scotland Yard "dick". . . Yale-Lock McNally
Produced by North Shore Players
Presented at Jim Nasium's Theater
Head of Band, a safe-breaker of note . . . Soup Walling
Jealous Queen of Band . . . Mercy Vennemous
An Escaped Convict . . Bill Hidin'
Cook of Band (has no speaking part but is likely to speak anyway) . . . . Chong
An "L"evated personality (brains of band) . . L. Anderson
A dip . . . . Dippy Smith
Apothecary . . . Herb Nunn
A reformer (the bootlegger's night- mare) . Rev. L. Y. N. Willia
A prosperous prospector . Panny Boal
A reporter . . . Bunk Dean

Reviewed by Matt Tinney
Good Morning!
O'Conner and Goldberg have written a masterpiece in which Love and Booty
have been idealized.
This production caused a riot! Had not Justices of the Peace Jones and Cor-
nell intervened, Julie Harvee could never have handled the enthusiastic multitudes at the door.
Never has Fwate Fowle appeared so ravishing!
Never has Galoshes performed such feats of daring!
Never has Soup Walling so nonchalantly thrilled the hearts of his feminine
admirers, the Matinee Hero worshippers!
Never has Mercy Vennemous so outvamped Theda Bara!
What never? Well, hardly ever!
See you tomorrow!

Written by a Senior Waiting for the English Exam to Begin

O Shades of Saxon Beowulf,
Ancient Caedmon, Cynewulf,
Normans, changing words, end rhyme,—
Break through the cloudy shrouds of time!

Let Ballads tell their tale to me,
Their form will ne'er more wanted be.
I call for Merlin's aid.—Perchance
This book may be one long Romance!

Luncheon over, the Jazz lovers, mainly of the Freshman and Junior Classes (the Seniors and Sophomores being too sophisticated to indulge) rush to the Music Studio, grab the key to the piano, and dash to the Gym. Loud exclamations are heard of "Where is El? Come on and dance! I'll get the music if you can persuade El!"
We find this the best opportunity to thank El Sherman for the many hours she has spent in trying to satisfy our many requests.

See the Sights
Visitors to the North Shore School should not attempt to understand the extraordinary structures on the campus without the aid of intelligent explanation. (Guide furnished on request.)
Gliding over the ruts that lead from Diller street, you behold to your front the venerable edifice called Knollslea. This ancient mansion shelters (in dry weather) a valuable collection of china, silverware, and elegant dining-tables veneered with azure cloth-of-oil. Note in passing the popular mural decorations entitled, "The List" and "Menu," also the daintily concave steps which we descend on our way to......
The New Building. Here do we find the Soul of Learning enshrined in twelve beautiful chambers of concrete and green woodwork. Here earnest students daily ponder the wisdom of the ages—of Cicero, Euclid, Price, Childs, and the rest. Let us tip-toe cautiously down the hall, lest we disturb the inmates or call forth those exceptional spirits who are wont to gallop down the passages, whooping and shrieking in a mad rush for the door. Issuing from which, we follow the Boardwalk at the left to the.....
Old Gymnasium. The architectural beauties of the place, the rolling vaulted roof, the magnificently carven beams, and stained-glass windows may be admired to the full only when the devotees are not engaged in their rites. Better far to make a close inspection at an hour when thousands of lying balls and dancing feet do not clutter up the atmosphere. Leaving then, by the west porch, we proceed to.....
Eliot, the "Home of Lower-School Manufacturers." Industry is here carried on in many phases of production, pictures, log-cabins, Greek gowns, shields, and morning-exercises being the most evident. The workers also have established for their recreation a menagerie for rare beasts and birds such as sheep, rabbits, canaries, etc. We must tear ourselves away from these absorbing creatures, in order to reach before closing hours.........
West Hall. This may be classed as almost exclusively as an office-building. It is managed by a syndicate of Sixth-Grade corporations. They let space on the top floor for a music-studio and reserve the choice floor for their own offices and school stores. Now, after traversing the grassy park N.E. of West, we conclude our tour with........
Leicester Hall. (No Smoking Permitted.) In this English gabled dormitory
reside teachers of the North Shore School. However, be careful to distinguish them from the Kindergarten which meets in the lower precincts of the house. Admittance to Leicester may be secured only by special permission from the inhabitants............
yes, yes, thank you very much, sir—a privilege to show you around.
Diller is a one-way street. —Come again!

Big Fight
Butcher, Prince and Kid Firpo (Friedo) mixed bights over Miss Vampire Dogskin, local beauty. The contest took place in the Canine Arena just southwest of Leicester, at 4 P. M. on March thirteenth. The fight was stopped in the second round, Bersbach Bros., Managers for Firpo, claiming foul.

Want Ads
Lost: One tail. Have been chasing it around a long time. No clue. Re- turn to Wolf.

Mrs. Fido entertained at dinner Mr. Terry, Mr. Jerry, Mrs. Brownie, and Mr. Wolf. This dinner was a new style, inaugurating "eat-your-own-food." An enjoyable time was had by all. No casualties.

Ancient Bone Unearthed!
Mr. Terry of Ottville reports the discovery, by himself, of a bone, which he claims was buried by a tribe of dogs called Indians, who used to live around Indian Hill. The bone is now in the Canine Museum next to Eliot, exhibited daily under strict guard.

Senior Calendar
You have forgotten, probably, the dim past when sound of shrieking, thumping and scuffling escaped the coat-draped portals of the Senior Girls' Room? Perhaps you were hearing Ottie pound her way out of her locker, while her keepers rushed more tables to the barricade. You may have caught all inmates gamboling through "Lon- don Bridge" or inspiredly dramatizing "Red Riding Hood." Possibly you felt the building tremble, when the high kicking contest and other acrobatic feats were in progress. But one thing you did not and never will discover: when and how this famous calendar was compiled:

Monday—"The day after the week-end before."
Tuesday—"Lead Kindly Light."
Wednesday—"Two down and three to go."
Thursday—"Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow."
Friday—"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow is Saturday."
We are deeply grieved to announce that the Benny Leonard Taxi Service will be discontinued from now on.
Statement in Physiography Text: People near plains are more alert to study.
Lou: "Then don't people on mountain tops study well?"
Elinor: "No, their heads are in the clouds."
Executive Chairman, urging Assembly to vote at Spring elections: "Come on now, and let's see if w e can't get a good Executive Committee !"
M. S.: "I wish Mrs. Childs would take us on one of those exertions to the Field Museum."
Concsientious Objector (To child about to cast a stone into mud at the new Gym): "Don't do that, or the new Gym won't be ready for us next fall."

We Nominate for the Hall of Fame 1924
Nina Fitch Babcock:—
because she conceived and carried out, with un- believable patience, good humor, and skill ,the tremendous undertaking of "The Pirates of Penzance"; because she has shown us both the fun in singing, and the rare quality of being a good sport nuder any circumstances.

Donald P. Smith :—
because, inspite of being the youngest (except feminine members), he is the most paternal, patient, and persecuted member of the Faculty. He has endured the follies of his female classes in Geometry and Algebra with a fortitude and chivalry
worth proclaiming.

Crilly Butler:—
because he has distinguished himself in managing the Toy Shop by his calm good sense and reliability; because, to quote a fellow class-mate, "Crill is an all-around good fellow and a handy person to have
around the School."

Louise Dickinson Sherman:—
because she is the clever, capable, and original Editor-in-Chief of this mammoth production, the "Mirror of 1924." What more is possible?

John McEwen:—
because he is our
most eloquent orator and reformer; and especially because he has learned the virtue of consideration for the personal feelings of his opponents.

Frederika Christiania Walling:— because she has "a little way all her own" and thus holds the record for luring into her clutches the greatest number of other children's chocolate bars or other desirable comestibles.
Mrs. Childs: Does anyone else want to go home early to rest up for the Pirates? Do you, Fuller?
Fuller: I don't know. I'd just as soon sleep here.
We have a Gym teacher named Andy, Who as sports-coach is quite a jim-dandy;
Do we need bone or sinew,
Or field-signals new,
We're sure to get something from Andy.
There was once a teacher named Perry
Who always made History most merry;
He took good old Queen Bess
Out of the text-book mess,
Did this rollicking, humorous Perry.
Compliments of a Friend

TAILOR Cleaner—Dyer
1150 Gage St.—Hubbard Wds.

North Shore Edition of:
Popular Mechanics—John Ott
Youth's Companion—Mr. Jones
Scientific American—Mr. Price
Pall Mall Gazette—Bill Hayden
Spur—College Boards
Pictorial Review—Mary Carban
House and Garden—Dig Day
Vogue—Helen Shimmin
Good Housekeepig—Miss Musson
Physical Culture—John McEwen
Saturday Evening (Morning) Post-Conditional List

Locker Room Memories
Don't you remember what fun we had this year in the Girls' Locker Room? Did Midge ever have a neat locker, or Mary Ott a middy? Did you ever get a chance to peek in the mirror just before the bell? W a s the locker room ever neat, or the lights working? Just before we gave "The Pirates of Penzance" can't you hear Ruth and Grobes and I. Fry singing it, with Midge singing something else above everyone's voice? Don' just see Frederika chasing Lammy all over the room with Lammy shrieking at the top of her lungs? Could you ever hear anything else but: "Who has a comb?" "Let me use your powder," "Who swiped my tie?" "Who has a pin?" "Oh, the bell!" "Do we have inspection?" "I haven't done any of my Latin," "I just know she'll call on me!" "Sit by me at lunch," "Are you in the Pirates?" "Oh, isn't it going to be gorgeous?" "You know I have absolutely the darlingest hat I have ever seen! Where'd you get it?" and so on, day after day.

M . A.: I never can remember when the War of 1812 was.

Homemade Candies and Ice-cream
Phone 1094 749 Elm

O. E Carlson, Prop.
1946 Gage St.
Hubbard Woods.
PHARMACY "Every inch a drug store" Winn. 610 Winn. 1139

Great Possessions
Mr. E. H. Smith—his knickers.
Miss Taylor—her basket full of English papers.
Mr. Jones—his typewriter and felt pad for it.
Mr. D. P. Smith—his good looking ties.
Miss Babcock—her baton.
Miss Hazel Cornell—her red pendant.
Miss Greeley—her whistle.
Madame Hosier—her pen and red ink.
Mrs. Childs—her assignment book.
Miss Tilt and Mr. Bollinger—their smocks.
Miss M. Cornell—her nature books.
Mr. Anderson—his blue sweater.
Mme. Stoughton—her suitcase.
Mr. Riddle—his Conditional periods.
Mr. Price—his graphlex.
Mr. P. D. Smith—his cape.

Comprenez—Vous ?
Mrs. Childs: "It pays, sometimes, to be cold."
There once was a teacher named Jones,
From whose office often issued loud groans.
If absent or late,
Be this your sad fate—
To your scandalized parents he phones!

Dealers in Fancy Groceries and Meats Smoked and Fresh
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry in Season
Free Delivery Service
In Kenilworth—Glencoe
Winnetka—Hubbard Woods

Eat at the
Hearthstone Tea Room
and buy your gifts at the
Hearthstone Gift Shop
Luncheon 12:00-1:30 Dinner 6:00-7:30
942-944 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods

Buildings Kept Painted
Worth 20% More!
Paint makes a house, a barn, or any
building worth more! It increases re-
spect tor the owner. It demonstrates thrift. It stimulates prosperity. Investigation among leading bankers ofthe Middle West shows that prop- erly kept up, properly painted build- ings are rated at an increased loan value ofabout 22%.
SSS Paint
used on a house indicates thrift—and good judgment. It preserves any building exterior against deterioration and decay. It is a well- balanced paint, possessing good body, free flow, good gloss, long life and good appearance. Grant us the pleasure of serving yon.
J. F. ECKHART Winnetka, Illinois

The Rhyme of the Yellow Scratch Pad
(Tune: The Lost Chord)
Seated one day on a school desk, I was weary and ill at ease,
With a pencil marking numbers over my tattered leaves.
I know not why it was writing, nor what it was solving then—
When it changed to the gushing gurgle of a Waterman's fountain pen.
It covered my surface with blotches till I blushed a bright pink with shame,
And ended with scratches and scribbles, with the fountain pen owner's name.
I have sought but sought it vainly, for the cause of the scribble and scrawl,
'Till there came to my mind the great question—was there any great use after all ?

Small Fourth Grader to her mother, who is starting out for Parents' Meeting: "Mother, the teachers are sure to ask you something you don't know. You'd better take my note-book."
Miss Hale to Fifth Grade: "Children, what do you think I should take up in Parents' Meeting that would help your fathers and mothers the most?"
Fifth Grader, earnestly: "Self-control, Miss Hale. Mine need it awfully."

THE photographs in this annual were produced by our studio. Our aim has been
to make them worthy of this splendid Volume and a speaking record of your graduation.
We appreciate the fact that our efforts toward this end were supplemented by the fine co- operation of the entire school. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve you.
The Photographer

For Glorious Hair, Too
From ancient bards to present- day writers, observant poets have sung of her hair as woman's crowning glory. Nothing will do more to create lovely hair—to make it soft and lustrous and really glorious—than delightful
The abounding, cleansing lather,
complete dissolving without a particle of sediment, and easy,thorough
rinsing of the very last sparkling bubble from the hair, make Jap Rose a soap of distinct and captivating difference.
"You Can FEEL the Tingle of Health"


(student signatures)

Original Format


Physical Location





North Shore Country Day School, “The Mirror - 1924,” North Shore Country Day School Archives, accessed October 22, 2024,


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